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Business visionary, entrepreneur and noted author.


Michael Gerber is leading a Small Business Revolution. He calls it The E-Myth Revolution, and over the past two decades he has indelibly touched hundreds of thousands of small business owners throughout the world with his stunningly original message.

Current work

Business visionary, entrepreneur, author and Chairman of The E-Myth Academy, Michael Gerber has spoken to business audiences throughout North America, the Pacific Rim, Europe and beyond about how to start their own personal revolution. His message is compelling, pragmatic and timeless.


Documented in his mega-best seller The E-Myth: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What To Do About It, Michael Gerber's E-Myth Point of View provides people typically enslaved by a business, which demands everything they've got, with a way out of what he calls "the tyranny of routine." The E-Myth is a process, a system, a model which can be implemented in any small business, and once implemented provides freedom and joy for those who own the business, as well as those who work in it.

His last book, The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What To Do About It (Harper Business, 1995) has gone into its ninth printing and been licensed in 13 languages. With over 400,000 copies sold.

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