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From Orphan to Entrepreneur

Everyone can dream big, some people can see big but there are very few who can build big.

Mike is a well-known communicator, fundraiser and thought leader in both the not-for-profit and business spheres. Mike spent the first half of his career working in the business world, but over the last 12 years, has dedicated his time to working for not-for-profit organisations, with the majority of that time being spent in executive-level leadership roles and CEO. Mike combines a love for people, business, leadership, and fundraising and has made an indelible impact on the not-for-profit sector, reimagining the ways charities can use brand, storytelling, and marketing to grow and develop trust and generosity with their donors.

Mike has had first-hand experience of charitable work in over 30 countries, ranging from refugee camps on the Syrian border, to micro business loans, to female empowerment projects, drug rehabilitation programs and more.

Orphaned in India and left alone in a field, Mike was adopted when he was 6 months old and grew up in Australia. Mike's story of identity and purpose plays like a movie and motivates like one too.

Mike is an experienced speaker and podcaster and has spoken in countries all over the world about leadership, business, identity, and purpose and is the founder of Charitabl. an app-based giving platform that is set to revolutionise the way people give to charities and identified by SXSW Sydney as a tech start-up to watch in APAC.

As an executive coach Mike has had a huge influence on my life. I have spent years in professional sports with several different coaches but Mike has shaped my personal belief, leadership and business skills more than any swim coach I’ve ever had. Dan Smith (Olympic Swimmer)

Many thanks for sharing from your experience, business acumen and heart! It was pitched just right, was packed with practical applications that we have set us up so well for the year ahead.

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