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Award-winning Global Educator on the topic of Communication and Storytelling


Stories have the power to open up our mind, by first opening up our heart.


Monica is one of Australia’s leading educators and speakers on the topic of communication and storytelling, and the Founder of the Global Stories that Stir™ Movement.

She has worked in the media industry for over 25 years, and in that time has helped thousands of people communicate their story, to an audience of millions.

Monica is the communication whisperer behind global corporations, government sectors, fast growth start-ups and individuals who are creating positive change in the world.

She is also a stand-up comedian, performing in the Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide Comedy Festivals, Sydney Opera House, The Comedy Store and more.

Monica is on a mission to unleash the true storytelling superpower of leaders, sales teams,

executives and business owners, so that they can achieve incredible success.

She helps people tap into their unique stories and share them, in an authentic and powerful way that inspires, influences, motivates action and creates deeper connection.

As a Professional Speaker, she brings over two decades of trade secrets to the table, providing insights and practical strategies to help delegates move from a feeling of depletion, fear and uncertainty to feeling confident, passionate and focused.

As a comedian, she knows how to get your audience laughing, so that her messages land and are remembered long after everyone goes home. Her message will create massive impact for your people at your virtual, in-person or hybrid event.

Talking Points

Lead with Storytelling to Inspire, Influence and Motivate Action

As a leader, getting buy-in from your team is key, however often this is difficult to achieve.

Leaders who are able to integrate effective storytelling into their leadership style, create emotional engagement allowing for deeper connection and an ability to be more influential.

Monica Rosenfeld will guide you through the psychology and physiology of effective storytelling that increases your influence and motivates a change of behaviour. She will share the top 3 leadership stories you can use to authentically persuade, resulting in a team that is engaged, motivated and working seamlessly towards a common goal.

Who is this for:
Business leaders, executives, entrepreneurs, small business owners, anyone who is in a position of leadership

Key Takeaways:
- Understand the science behind effective storytelling and how you can use this to inspire, influence and motivate action
- Develop leadership stories to help you create emotional engagement with your team
- Learn the universal story structure to achieve maximum engagement and the best results from your storytelling

Sell more with Stories

In today’s competitive environment, filled with distraction and financial difficulties, persuading your client or customer to purchase is more challenging than ever before. To sell more effectively, you need to master the art of storytelling.

Monica Rosenfeld will guide you through how to use effective storytelling to create emotional engagement, helping you become more authentically persuasive. She will share the psychology and physiology of using stories to increase your influence and motivate a change of behaviour, resulting in more sales.

Who is this for:
Sales Managers, Sales teams, Executives, entrepreneurs, marketers, small business owners and anyone looking for a secret weapon when it comes to selling more.

Key Takeaways:
- Understand the science behind effective storytelling and how you can use this to inspire, influence and motivate action
- When and how to use storytelling throughout the sales process
- 5 things to consider when crafting a story that helps you sell more

Re-write you Story to Cure Imposter Syndrome and Create Unstoppable Confidence

Many people are currently struggling with imposter syndrome, leading to anxiety, lack of confidence and self-sabotaging behaviour.

These negative emotions are often a result of negative self-talk and the stories we tell ourvelves that keep us trapped.
Monica Rosenfeld will show you how you can transform your self-talk and re-write your story. She uses neuroscience to help you overcome feelings of insecurity and self-doubt so that you can feel more confident, have more clarity and a can do attitude.

Who is this for:
Business leaders, executives emerging leaders, small business owners, entrepreneurs and anyone who would wants to perform at their best without depleting themselves in the process

Key Takeaways
- An understanding of what makes you feel anxious and doubting your ability and how this impacts your mental health
- How to transform negative self talk and rewrite the stories in your head which are draining your energy and holding you back
- Practical exercises that you can regularly use to change your brain state and feel more in flow
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