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Taking the plunge.


Nic Feteris helps teams make big jumps, to the next level, somewhere new, or just forward.

Current experience:

Nic's professional background is in advertising. He held positions ranging from Sales Executive to Publisher for major media. Along the way he formed Jump, a media and marketing agency that is his corporate presence today.

Nic speaks about how BASE jumpers, mountaineers and other extreme adventurers think, why they do what they do, what makes them responsible, and how anyone can launch into uncertain territory more assuredly with the same approach.

Previous experience:

His jumping credentials include parachuting from great heights: mountains, in the pioneering days before BASE jumping was a recognised sport; monuments, like the Statue of Liberty, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, and for a Mission:Impossible film; buildings, like the former World Trade Centre in New York; and hot air balloons as high as 36,600 feet. A career highlight was producing a documentary about making 'the world's highest BASE jump'. In 2004 National Geographic rated footage of that jump - from the 20,600-foot-high Great Trango Towers in Pakistan - their most 'amazing moment' on film.

Talking Points

Business development

Salespeople go on an emotional expedition every day. They are mountain climbing achievers. Their use of courage to succeed is an unarticulated secret in corporate vernacular. Nic makes them superheroes with the skills of an explorer.

Risk management

It works best when it's part of part culture. The problem is that for risk takers like salespeople or investors risk management can get in the way and to everyone else it is boring. Nic makes it important and exciting.


How does anyone jump off a cliff? The same way they do anything that's a stretch: muster the courage to stick themselves out there and then use expertise and judgment to manage their exposure.


No organisation can provide a risk-free work environment. Equipment, processes and training are only tools. Safety is manufactured, not maintained. Following the rules is only part of making work safe.
You were fantastic - I had goose bumps at times. The feedback was fantastic from staff - they raved about you! The way you tied in your adventure to APIs change program was exceptional - people sitting there would have thought you worked for API! Really brilliant. Australian Pharmaceutical Industries

In 16 years of running events I've never seen an audience in stunned silence. His presentation was breathtaking and targeted perfectly the conference attendees.

Matrix Marketing

This was one of our best breakfast meetings thanks to your splendid, awe-inspiring presentation. Our audience was enthralled. So was I! Thank you for your exceptional contribution.


Nic Feteris delivered a stunning, provocative and inspiring presentation. Nic's emphasis on packaging knowledge, guided by a vision, to deliver value, through team commitment and risk management, was brilliantly appropriate and helped put an excellent focus and 'zing' into our knowledge capital discussion.


Our delegates have not stopped talking about your presentation! I would personally like to thank you for delivering one of the most powerful presentations I've seen, and integrating the content to incorporate a Toshiba focus.

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