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Professor Nigel

Trust, Technology & Online Crime

The digital economy is the life blood of Australia, unfortunately many companies don't secure their online assets and suffer a cyber attack.


Professor Nigel Phair is one of Australia’s most influential analysts on the intersection of technology, crime and society.

Nigel has strong professional, government and community links and well-established national and international networks. He is a sought-after commentator, advisor and strategist who focuses on technology and business disruption.

As an engaging and passionate speaker, Nigel is relatable across various audiences and technology-related topics. He draws upon his experience in law enforcement, consulting and academia. Nigel’s talks make this topic enjoyable, entertaining and interesting without involving too much jargon, to make this sometimes complicated subject accessible to a wider audience.

Nigel is the Founder and Managing Director of a technology ‘start-up’ company and has chaired several not-for-profit organisations.

He is a Professor of Cyber Security and has published four acclaimed books on the international impact of cybercrime.

He is a regular media commentator and provides executive and board advice on strategy, risk & governance of technology.

In a 21-year career with the Australian Federal Police he achieved the rank of Detective Superintendent and headed up investigations at the Australian High Tech Crime Centre for four years.

Talking Points

Cyber Security

Whether you're an ASX company, a government entity or a not-for-profit, every organisation relies on technology for business processes. But these benefits can often be offset by a growing band of cyber threats, including state sponsored attackers; serious and organised criminals, activists and trusted insiders. These attackers have various motives including stealing information and intellectual property; using computing resources to attack another target; monetising customer data; or just because they can!

This presentation will discuss the typologies and motivations of cyber crime. Learn that no sector or organisation is immune from the threat of cyber crime. Most importantly, this presentation will give actionable responses to these threats which organisations can implement, making the enterprise and those who work in it safer and more secure.
Learning outcomes:
¢ Discover the latest trends and issue surrounding cyber criminals who they are and what they want.
¢ Establish how to apply risk management processes to determine risk tolerance and controls.
¢ Learn how to implement practical measures which will better secure your organisation and the staff who work in it.

Trust, Safety and Confidence in the Online World

More and more organisations are interacting with customers and stakeholders via internet technologies and often via smart mobile devices. There are many existing and new business models which rely on providing a trustworthy online experience. But as consumers continually hear about the bad news, regularly get phished, spammed and scammed from multiple sources, this level of trust and confidence is diminishing.
Learn how to provide a safe user experience to online customers by realising their drivers to engage (and purchase) from internet organisations. Discover how a mix of technology, customer engagement and ongoing analysis can boost your profits from online sales and engagement.
Learning outcomes:
¢ Discover the trends and issues with online customer engagement.
¢ Learn the drivers which make customers interact online with an organisation.

Emerging Trends in Technology and Threat Landscape

As organisations develop and adopt technologies related to big data, cognitive computing and the Internet of Things, cyber threats are growing in both volume and complexity.

The race is on to secure systems and devices and the people who use them before cyber criminals figure out how to exploit them. This presentation takes a look at some of the most important themes and innovations shaping our increasingly interconnected world.

Learning outcomes:
¢ Learn what works (and what doesn't) for cyber criminals when they attack and organisation.
¢ Discover how social engineering is used and how you can guard against it as a weapon.
¢ Establish the tools and techniques to implement which will make your work and personal life more secure.

Nigel is a fantastic speaker who is highly knowledgeable on the topic of cyber-security. Combining his extensive knowledge with his passionate & endearing personality, he was able to engage effectively with the audience using real life, recent scenarios, to bring cyber security within business to life. I received great feedback from the audience who stated that he was head and shoulders' above other speakers they have heard on the topic. So pleased that we were able to secure Nigel for the event! Bankwest

The Emerging Cyber Threat Summit had the pleasure of having Nigel addressing our audience in June this year. Nigel was engaging and passionate, giving practical examples and insights around the strategy, governance and risk surrounding technology. A fantastic addition to the program and someone we would welcome to be involved again!

Emerging Cyber Threats Conference “ June 2017

Nigel Phair was a dynamic, engaging speaker that we felt lucky to have invited to present at our 15th Biennial Aon Benfield Hazards Conference in September 2017 held on the Gold Cost, Queensland. His presentation (Cyber Re-Imagined) was rated by our audience members as one of the top presentations over the two day conference. The material which tackled a complex fast evolving sphere of cyber risk was delivered in a clear and engaging manner and resonated with our audience which included an eclectic industry mix from senior insurance analysts through to major company CEO's. He managed to deliver a diverse array of ideas all accompanied with his own well thought-out opinions in a well-structured professional style. We would happily invite Nigel to present at any future events of ours.

Aon Benfield Re-insurance Conference “ September 2017

Delegate Feedback: ¢ Great content, needed a bigger room ¢ Great session ¢ Very practical approach, delivered in a very engaging manner ¢ Great presentation ¢ Simple and sweet, thanks ¢ Great presenting ¢ Very relevant to my role ¢ Timely and practical real world advice. Simple and effective. Excellent session.

AusCERT Conference “ May 2017
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