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Building trust, purpose and ethical leadership.


Omer Soker is the CEO of The Ethics of Success Corporation, a consultancy on navigating organisations into the future. He advises association, nonprofit and business leaders on how to transform disruption into innovation and create purposeful connections.

As a keynote speaker and strategist, Omer has a track record of delivering transformational success for nonprofit organisations and corporates. He has held senior general management roles with global multinationals Reed Elsevier and Thomson Reuters, and successfully transformed two companies with change management remits, and led a major industry association as CEO.

What sets Omer apart is his focus on purpose, trust and authenticity. Omer champions these primary virtues to connect meaningfully with audiences in a uniquely powerful way. His extensive pre-work and research ensures that every keynote is a bespoke presentation exclusively to meet his clients' needs with real impact, measurable solutions and positive change.

Omer has delivered keynotes in front of audiences of a thousand delegates. His presentations leave audiences inspired and committed to take action – in transforming the way they do business, and run their organisations. Omer also facilitates strategy workshops and board strategy meetings as well as staff training and engagement workshops.

His expertise spans the events, publishing, media, enterprise software, e-commerce, digital technology, conferences, banking, finance, grocery, consumer goods, travel, hotels, resorts, shipping, communications, real estate, motoring, retail and wholesale sectors – as well as association management and nonprofit organisational leadership.

Previous experience

Author : Omer is the author of two leadership books The Trust Future and The Future of Associations.

The Trust Future : Omer's book The Trust Future is a business case for how fearless ethical decision-making creates both power and trust in 21st century commerce. Omer's keynote challenges conventional stereotypes to present business ethics as a competitive advantage in the trust economy, with a fresh and compelling vision on why it is good for business now and into the future.

The Future of Associations : Omer's book The Future of Associations is a 6-step roadmap to progress, change and influence for nonprofit membership organisations. Omer's keynote is a wake-up call that associations are being disrupted, competition is increasing, member expectations are growing and government policy is changing. Omer explores a 6-step roadmap encompassing disruption, mission, governance, external strategy, internal alignment and future focus.

Talking Points

The Trust Future: How business ethics will dictate employee success, company performance and stakeholder value

The trust that underpins capitalism remains rocked by the financial crisis, corporate scandals and the continuing weak state of world markets post 2008. Companies cannot reclaim growth in the way they earned it, because the rules have changed and the 'Trust Future' is arriving now. This session unveils how consumers, armed with knowledge and social connectivity, hold companies accountable to act with ethics, transparency and integrity in order to rebuild value, reputation and growth.

Spin is dead; Twitter killed it. But business ethics is not about academic idealism, risk management, compliance burdens or taking the moral high ground. It starts with companies engaging their employees with an environment of trust, transparency, fairness and objectivity to encourage diversity in thinking, collaboration, productivity and innovation. On a fundamental level, business ethics is about how companies treat their people, their customers and their stakeholders on a daily basis. It sends a clear message of the values to be encouraged or eliminated; both internally and externally. Ethical leadership is far from soft. It challenges current management practices that allow 85% of managers to avoid conflict and push important issues under a cloud of avoidance or secrecy. Ethical leadership confronts the truths that companies must face about their own operations, and their own customer needs in order to facilitate growth. Dissatisfied customers are a repository of truth; ethical companies talk to them. Increasing ethical behaviour results in more of the workforce energies going into the company's interest than into playing games, and into upholding the company's core values. This session redefines business ethics in relation to company performance and organisational health.

In the trust future, investors and stakeholders too are joining customers in favouring companies with purpose andorganisational ethics. They do not want their reputations tarnished. Leading companies are moving towards responsible business models before they are forced to. Others are finding new business opportunities in societal problems through the creation of shared value, which has been named by Forbes as one of three mega trends in 2012.

Business ethics will dictate employee success, organisational performance and stakeholder value creation in the Trust Future. Those that prepare now will survive and flourish through a new competitive advantage. Are you ready?

Employee Success: Accessing the four fountains of success - what you want externally, what you need internally, what you're willing to do and what you're not willing to compromise

We all want success yet so few have a clear definition of what it looks like to them personally, let alone a plan to achieve it. And if people haven't defined what they want for themselves, they certainly haven't clarified how to contribute to the success of their employers. It's in every company's interest to help their employees do both -to unlock the hidden passion, purpose and energy that lies dormant within every workforce. Omer introduces your teams to 'the four fountains of success' and works with them to find an optimum balance between the four to achieve their goals.

The four fountains of success are:
1. What you want (extrinsic success);
2. What you need (intrinsic success);
3. What you're willing to do (externally); and
4. What you're not willing to compromise (internally).

They work together like the four control knobs on a hi-fi system, determining the levels of volume, bass, treble and balance until the output is perfect. The same is true of success in the workplace; the correct inputs determine the optimum output.

Omer's bespoke diagnostic tool assesses your 'Company Core Value Vitality' score, and aligns the personal values of your people with the core values of your organisation, to unleash collaboration, productivity and innovation.

Ethical Leadership and Organisational Health: Six memorable mathematical formulae to multiply company performance

Six incremental shifts will transform everyday companies into the leadership powerhouses of growth and purpose that customers are demanding.

1. Truth + Conflict = Collaboration. Confronting truth and raising debate create a foundation for effective collaboration.
2. Integrity + Purpose + Passion = Staff Engagement. Passionate employees respond to respect and purpose.
3. Collaboration → Productivity + Innovation + Growth + Responsibility. Collaboration improves teamwork, sharing of best practice and the confidence to innovate.
4. Ethics + Values = Customers. Customers favour companies that operate with integrity and adhere to core values.
5. Responsibility = People + Company + Stakeholders. Being a responsible business includes aligning divergent needs.
6. Solutions = Simple ≠ Complex. Simple rules outperform complex choices for front-line staff to implement strategy.
These memorable concepts also serve to increase ethical behaviour within organisations, so that more of the workforce's energies go into the company's interest than into playing games.
Omer worked closely with the leadership team to consider our needs and to design a workshop focussed on understanding our customer and customer segment needs. The workshop was engaging and productive, thanks to Omer's preparation and facilitation style, and contributed significantly to the ensuing organisation design work. I'd thoroughly recommend Omer. Australian Human Resource institute

Omer is a gifted speaker and business executive who has the capacity to capture the interest of an audience through his use of intellect, energy and humour. I have seen him communicate important information on enhancing business performance in a way that is motivational and relevant. I recall that at our annual business 'kick off' meeting Omer used the complete alphabet, A to Z, without notes or PowerPoint to highlight and delight the employee audience on 26 separate items of what he expected his team to deliver to the level of excellence required to sustain a market leading position. His approach ensured that the message was conveyed clearly and in the manner which was enthusing to the listeners and motivated his team to perform.

Reed Exhibitions, Australia

Your interactive and insightful presentation struck a chord. The Board expressed a deep satisfaction with your knowledge of association structures and your perspectives on relationships between strategic and more traditional organisational cultures

Automobile Chamber of Commerce

Online Retailer Conference & eCommerce Expo recently held its first KickStart event, aimed at retailers just entering the online space. As a launch event, it was crucial that our delegates feel engaged and excited by the content and presentations. Omer Soker served as MC and was a central part in the success of that event. Omer was engaging, inspiring, and was able to gauge the crowd well and set the tone accordingly. He also introduced speakers, led networking activities, and left the crowd feeling excited to implement the tools and knowledge they'd gained at the event. I would highly recommend Omer for events that strive for engaging its attendees on a deeper level. He would make a great addition to any speaker line-up.

Online Retailer Conference & eCommerce Expo

Mr. Omer Soker spoke at the 2009 Reed Exhibitions Greater China Annual Senior Management Conference in Beijing. The event was attended by the company's top 200 senior managers and top-performing staff as well as members of the industry press. Omer spoke on the topic of Customer Retention. His speech was very well received as he spoke eloquently and confidently, engaging the audience and assisting them with insights, examples and a practical understanding of best practice in this area. We were pleased with his participation and contribution to the success of our conference and would recommend him as a corporate speaker.

Reed Exhibitions, Greater China
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