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Australia's Leading Authority on Supplier Margin


Paul Allen is Australia's Leading Authority on Supplier Margin. For over 25 years, he has been immersed in business-to-business categories, from beer to pies and paper to glass, helping organisations to unlock value with their contracted business partners.

If you're a supplier in the Asia Pacific region who is struggling to maintain and grow your operating margins, whilst ever encroaching procurement teams stretch your resources with new demands, Paul could well become the most valuable resource you have on your team.

He routinely helps clients reclaim upwards of 15% of their customer specific net margin entitlement – profit that would otherwise be lost or silently absorbed as an unfavourable “operational variance”.

As a senior sales, marketing & general manager, Paul has worked with some of Australia & New Zealand's best-known companies and brands, including Lion, Simplot, TABCORP, Australian Paper and O-I Glass. He has negotiated with relentless procurement teams across Europe, Asia and America – and sold billions of dollars of goods to globally recognised brands.

If you believe the lifeblood of your business lies in the certainty of long term customer contracts, then Paul's insights will compel you to rethink your true cost to serve'. He exposes the fallacy of over-servicing and invites Suppliers to contemplate how they can inadvertently relinquishing millions of dollars every year by failing to monitor Customer specific net margin.

Paul is the Author of “Take Back Your Margin!. He holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration & Undergraduate Degree's in Business & Social Sciences

Talking Points

Take Back Your Margin!

Discover the 10 Pitfalls that every Supplier must avoid to protect and grow their Customer profitability. This is an interactive presentation that gives participants the chance to complete a real time case study on a Customer of their choice, during the Presentation.
A powerful call to arms for Suppliers who are fed up with being squeezed for margin by big Customers.

Never keep a Customer contract Confidential

Customer contracts are the lifeblood of most Suppliers, yet less than 5% of contracts are known & understood by the staff who must fulfil them.
As a result, Suppliers are at the mercy of cunning procurement teams who use stealth and manipulation to get more for less� from front line staff.
This dynamic presentation uses tragic and hilarious Corporate case studies to demonstrate why a Customer Contract must be summarised and shared to the very staff who will deliver it.
The long term profitability of the Suppliers business depends on it.
Participants leave with a commitment to never again lock a contract away in a filing cabinet!

How to up-sell your Customers

This presentation starts with a real life recording of Paul Allen driving through a McDonalds drive-thru and trying to negotiate a free coke� with his Burger.
What participants hear over 2 minutes will amaze every Supplier & create the basis for a dynamic interactive presentation that compels participants to complete a personalised menu list of 10 items that they can immediately use to up-sell existing Customers.
This is for Businesses that are desperate to grow revenue's fast!
Paul gives frontline staff a platform and a safe environment to share their wisdom, insights and experience in managing their daily interactions with customers. He identifies where and why value is being unintentionally given up and, most importantly, engages the same people so that they develop the means to get it back. Paul's approach is positively unique. Healthcare Insurance

Paul's commercial experience has awakened many in the education sector to the opportunities for creating value, whilst managing funding uncertainty.

Emmaus College

I first met Paul 15 years ago. I remember less about the content of our first meeting and more about his style and energy, as well as his insight and clarity as a communicator. I have been lucky enough to be a spectator to his stellar career, achieving results that for most are unattainable. The volume of work he has done in distilling his experience into easily consumable information that can be readily implemented is testament to both his expertise and insights. His ideas and techniques are real, simple and they work. I implore you to read his book or attend one of his presentations, implement what he suggests and drive better value through your organisation.


Paul Allen has an innate sense for deciphering where value can be lost and found. More importantly, Paul's approach to value recovery engenders respect, empowerment and unity amongst those he works with.

Downer EDI

Paul presents with a commercial tenacity and focus that is tempered by a genuine care for the wellbeing of people. Paul consistently displays a desire to ensure that strategies enacted generated broader benefits for all stakeholders. He succeeds in his capacity to do this whilst remaining grounded and consistent with the commercial needs of whomever he represents.

FSC Australia

Paul's key strength is his adeptness at distilling the complex' into focused recommendations and ultimately great outcomes for his clients. He has the ability to develop a unique and compelling cut through' message.

Aurrum Aged Care & Home Consortium

Margin erosion continues to be a key challenge for family businesses as they gain scale and engage with large corporate customers. Take Back Your Margin offered powerful insights for all FBA Members and highlighted how they can guard against the costly issue of margin erosion, whilst keeping their client relationships intact.

Family Business Australia

I have heard Paul Allen's presentation and I rate him very highly. His material is invaluable for businesses.

Matrix Thinking

Paul provided an engaging exploration into the opportunity to realise margin for our member companies businesses. Insightful and pragmatic the presentation resonated with the audience and provided a real world practical methodology for participants to take away and consider within their businesses.

Australian Food & Grocery Council
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