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Are we micro managing ourselves sick or well?


Driven by a desire to change public perception around the growing impacts of mental and physical health and how we as a society are micro-managing ourselves sick, Paul is regularly called upon as a professional speaker to talk about these important issues.

Paul's experience in the field of mental health is unquestioned, with his background as a paramedic and trauma counsellor helping him to build trust with his audience and adding great weight to the message he delivers.

Companies often engage keynote speakers and trainers to deliver seminars to raise awareness and inspire, but way too often the message only hangs around for a few days, maybe some weeks before old habits prevail. What if we could change that status quo?

"1 in 2 are depressed”

“Suicide is the leading cause of death between 15 and 44”

“50 million mind altering prescriptions filled in Australia last year just to get through the day,”

Is it time we are all engaged at a different level? You will be shocked to learn how cracks form in your mental and physical health and why we must try new approaches to maximise both staff and our home performance. Placing layers of surface level concepts on how to better behave and perform may only lead to reduced outcomes.

If we are to make any impact on our health and wellbeing and our life satisfaction at home and in the work place, we must firstly take ownership of ourselves. We seem to spend years studying everything and everybody else rather than ourselves. I always say to people, if only everybody could spend a week ride along in an Ambulance, it would change the way they do business forever. This presentation just might be the next best thing!

Talking Points

The Wake Up Call

Ever wondered what a week ride along in an Ambulance would look like? Strap on your seatbelts as you are about to find out! This no nonsense, no fluff and extremely raw presentation cuts to the core and takes your wellbeing to a new level. Where worn torn countries are desperately finding ways to stay alive, we are finding ways to end ours, or making ourselves physically and mentally sick. Time to stop the rot I say and it all starts with our mental health.

So, when was your last mind check? From how the neurons respond in our head and how we manage the daily onslaught of input, to the desperate calls that follow to triple zero when we take our eyes off our mental health. And, when our mental health fails, everything else fails with it and then we begin to fill ourselves with stimulates, just to get through the day. Drugs stories, both prescribed and illicit from actual ambulance cases, will make you rethink how you best manage your day. Cardiac disease, diabetes and the copious amount of crap we pump into our gut will all get a mention. Our current stats on ailing mental and physical health in this country make the black plague look like a common cold. Upfront and very personal, this is a timely reminder to challenge what we value the most and if our life styles align to our values.

The Wake Up Call- One Step Further

Builds on the Wake Up Call (1) and revisits some of the more concerning concepts, and then takes you one step further, spending more time on the solution as opposed to the cause. How can we better manage serotonin and dopamine production without the use of antidepressants? How about some of those other medicines you're taking and how many are you up to now?

We follow one man's appalling journey through the medical system who relied on his Doctor to keep him well. What the! 80% of the food in Coles and Woollies could be making you sick. Choose your food choose your mood, let's have a crash course on food labelling. Could it be as simple as the rate at which we breathe; watch the power of your physiology at play as your deep breaths open your vascular system and reduce your blood pressure. Funny how we think alcohol and marijuana are the safe alternatives, I will probably change your mind on that, and if you happen to smoke, let's hope you only get cancer!

More about Social our nervous system responds to the images we carry in our heads. Who would have thought that just 25 years ago we embarked on a device that was going to modify the behaviour of an entire species, from all looking up to all looking down. This presentation ends with reflection and handing over to the audience of who made what changes since we met last and who is prepared to share. Time to stop the rot.

The Wake Up Call (3)

This more light-hearted seminar fits in with the evening line up and takes a candid look and how we all might go about looking into our own souls and exploring ourselves. After all, when was the last time you did the mirror test or turned the microscope on you? We all know a tosser right? But what happens if the tosser is you!

Could you imagine a lifetime of being a tosser and not knowing it? There is a little tosser in all of us of course, and you may be surprised when you dare seek this out and give somebody the license to speak; how much of a tosser you didn't know you were!

This presentation includes many video grabs taken of people in action in all kinds of settings and demonstrates what many us have become. The key messages of 'The Wake Up Call' remain the same, but the intention is to create a greater awareness of all our actions and take ourselves off remote control. Way too often we point the finger and raise our voice at everybody else, when all we really need to do is look inside. All the science remains in this presentation as with 1 & 2, with in-depth explanation of what is happening inside our heads and some remedies for getting out of ourselves before we implode!
Firstly, THANKYOU for your absolutely invigorating presentation tonight for BHP Billiton families of which I attended. I thoroughly enjoyed it and feel inspired on so many fronts. My mind is a live wire at the moment lots of messages and thoughts all very positive running around upstairs! BHP Billiton

It was a pleasure having you present to our people across our many sites. We do honestly believe that we need to give our people the best information possible so that they can manage themselves well. We need to be strong and resilient both physically and mentally for the many challenges we have in our lives and your work with us made a huge impact on many of our people. I look forward to Thrive 2.0 and to keeping in contact with you.

Stanwell Energy

I am finally getting round to saying a huge thank you for your fantastic session with us at TAFE on Tuesday. I can't recall the last time I was so engaged and sympathetic to someone else's concerns and opinions on such fundamental values. It was full of fantastic stuff...such a timely reminder at the start of a work year. What an amazing man you are to share such wisdom and make yourself so human and vulnerable. You are going through big times yourself...I'm not sure how you are able to keep giving. I just wanted to say I'm incredibly grateful. Paul...keep looking after yourself in these times and lean on people when you need provide that support to many others!


I can't thank you enough for the outstanding talk yesterday which has undoubtedly had a profound impact on attendees. We are receiving constant feedback about how amazing the launch was and numerous requests for the recording (already!) There's no doubt you were the perfect choice to assist us change the perception of our staff wellbeing program from the nice to have/optional extra' to something that's fundamentally essential to our core business “ which is delivering the best quality education outcomes to Queensland children and families.

Department of Education & Training

We are collecting formal feedback via a survey, but wanted to tell you how great Paul was on Thursday He is an impressive presenter. I could see the majority of the audience and they were riveted. A number of people came up to me to say they were going home to download his key messages with their kids. A lot of the content was deeply personal and that of course lends a huge degree of strength and credibility It was a great pleasure to meet Paul and we will certainly look for other ways to engage him again Thanks for all your help in making this possible

Deutsche Bank

I can't thank you enough for the outstanding talk yesterday which has undoubtedly had a profound impact on attendees. We are receiving constant feedback about how amazing the launch was and numerous requests for the recording (already!) There's no doubt you were the perfect choice to assist us change the perception of our staff wellbeing program from the nice to have/optional extra' to something that's fundamentally essential to our core business “ which is delivery the best quality education outcomes to Queensland children and families. That would be great to hear from Kylie. It was unbelievable to witness the buzz amongst staff who were talking about their results. You told me this would happen too! I will share your information with attendees and I'm sure there will be numerous requests following this.

Queensland Department of Education and Training
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