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A walking, talking miracle.

Impossible is for other people, I'm Possible of Anything!


Peter Dempsey is a remarkable young man who has been forced to overcome incredible adversity. He is by anyone's definition a walking, talking miracle.

Not expected to live beyond his 5th birthday by doctors, Peter has faced more physical, mental and emotional challenges than most. His remarkable story of resilience and courage has inspired audiences of all ages to adopt his never give up attitude and to face the challenges of life with a new resolve and inner belief in their own abilities.

Peter's ability to defy the impossible time and time again has been transformed into an inspiring mantra that's being used by his clients and fans (I'm Possible of Anything).

If you are looking to inspire your team, create a more positive and supportive culture, help people overcome adversity, or simply motivate your people to fulfil their potential, then Peter's story is sure to deliver.

Peter speaks regularly to companies and schools help people varying stages of life to find their own unique super power and find the resilience necessary to win in a hypercompetitive world.

Talking Points

Finding Your Stroke of Genius

Everyone has a Stroke of Genius inside them. Some may not have found it yet, others my not believe they are capable of achieving incredible things, but after they hear the remarkable true story of Peter Dempsey, they will be inspired to fulfil more of their potential.

This remarkable young man has faced unspeakable odds and triumphed. In a world filled with people who want to tell what can't been done, Peter's presentation is a salient reminder of what can be achieved with the right motivation.

His story of resilience, persistence and unwavering faith will inspire your people to do more, see more and be more of who they can be. A skillfully crafted keynote Peter uses great humour, and masterful story-telling to share powerful insights that will help your organisation build the self-belief, determination and mental toughness necessary to conquer any challenge you face.

Whether your team need assistance to overcome a challenging business environment, develop more self-belief, increase their resilience or simply be re-inspired about what's truly possibly this presentation will have people laughing, crying and rejoicing in the power of the human spirit.
Peter delivers an extraordinarily powerful message, of persistence, resilience, In today's overwhelming world of cyber, verbal and physical pressures, Peter explains what it takes to overcome and this trend then how to take ownerships of once self and ones-belief. If your organisation is looking to engage a Keynote Speaker who can and will completely take the audience out of their oblivious comfort zone to this type of behaviour and address inner fears, Peter is the person to deliver this message to corporate groups. Christine Williams

Wow! A moving, inspiring and motivating speaker, Peter shows that true grit and determination is a recipe for success and achievement, no matter where you're coming from or the obstacles in your path.

Essential Property Solutions

Peter is authentic, relatable and humble in his approach. His message of perseverance is relevant to all.

St. Aloysius College

Your story of resilience in the face of obstacles was both inspiring and poignant and magnificently presented.

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