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Cracking the talent code.


After decades of standing in the fire with leaders of high-performing organizations, Peter Sheahan has come to believe that an organization will only go commercially where its leaders first go personally. Having grown his own companies by accelerating the growth and transformation for clients that include: Apple; Chick-fil-A; DeBeers; and AT&T -- Peter will provoke you to get bigger, by getting better!

When leaders are true to their purpose, they gravitate towards doing work that matters and solving higher-order problems. The journey to get there requires that they have the courage to tell themselves the truth, take intelligent risks, and assume ownership for driving the alignment necessary to build an organization that behaves in ways worthy of its leadership position.

In being true to his own ambitions and relentless pursuit of growth, Peter has published seven books, built three global companies and delivered more than 2,500 presentations in 40+ countries. Today he and his team at Karrikins Group are focused exclusively on inspiring leaders to do the hard work required to accelerate growth and transformation.

Talking Points

Growing in Uncertain Times

Turning challenge into opportunity and disruption into competitive advantage

Stimulating a culture of growth amidst uncertainty begins with leaders taking ownership for their changed reality and balancing the need for prompt action with the need to maintain the capacity, capability, and engagement required to make the most of the massive opportunities that inevitably emerge from crisis.

High Performance in a Hybrid World

Maintaining a culture of accountability and high engagement in a Covid-19 world

The truth is people don't really know how to work together as effectively virtually, but with the right mindset, team dynamics, and environment, a leader can intentionally curate a culture of accountability, innovation and high engagement even in a remote setting. Culture is a science, not an art and there is a blueprint for driving high performance in a work-world defined by social distance norms.

Leading with Intentional Optimism

Make the shift from defense to offense and seize the opportunities in disruption

Leaders must be pragmatic in the face of the real challenges presented by Covid-19, however, at some point they must choose whether they are going to create their future reality or passively accept their fate. Intentional Optimism is a new way of leading that unleashes the agency and influence we all have over our reality and combines the importance of pragmatism with the power of boldness to position ourselves to make the most of opportunity.


How to become the obvious choice

As the pace of commoditization accelerates and the emergence of technological disruption threatens our existing business models, we must find ways to remain relevant and differentiated in the hearts and minds of our customers! This inspiring, case-study rich session will show you how to find opportunity in disruption to reverse the downward spiral of commoditization and matter more to your customers than your competition.

This journey will require that you:
¢ Understand the difference between value creation and value extraction
¢ Move towards the very disruption that challenges you and your customers
¢ Elevate your Impact in the Five Critical Dimensions that clients and customers value most during times of rapid change
¢ Elevate your Perspective by learning at the Edge of Disruption' and becoming a thought leader in the business models of tomorrow
¢ Elevate your Relationships to position you not just as a trusted adviser but as a strategic partner for your customers
¢ Act in a way worthy of your desired leadership position
Peter's energy and enthusiasm is second to none. He takes the audience on a participative journey and cuts to the core with ease and humour. He was thought provoking and makes you go away and challenge the way you and your organisation manage your relationship with Generation Y. The fact that Peter is a Generation Y'er gives his presentation credibility and makes it real! A fantastic luncheon that has received rave reviews from all who attended! A hard act to follow Recruitment & Consulting Services Association

Just a short note to thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to address the International CFO Forum briefing in Sydney. Your informative comments on the cultural and financial issues around managing generational change in the workplace were greatly appreciated by the CFO's. As well, your Gen Y technical skills proved invaluable tome in getting the briefing under way

International CEO Forum

Peter spoke to our 70 most senior leaders about the impact that Generation Y's will have on our culture, leadership and work processes in the coming 3-5 years. He's dynamic, engaging and fun. He uses non-threatening metaphors, and enables people to see things in a new way. He interacts superbly with all ages and styles of managers and enables them to confront their own biases and blind spots. An extremely effective speaker, who I strongly recommend

Westpac Banking Corporation

I just returned from the Fuji Xerox conference and I thoroughly enjoyed your workshop. Congratulations on such a motivating speech.

Fuji Xerox

Very interesting and motivating, he had an excellent positive outlook and great ideas to follow. Totally inspirational and engaging; what a great role model for kids - It would be great for him to talk to some of the kids at school. Change in our thinking is a starting point, great food for thought. Young, exciting, quick witted and well worth a listen. Terrific for the graveyard shift. Fantastic; loved it.

Department of Education - Barwon School Network
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