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Blackbelt in excellence.

Performance Excellence - Easy to do. Easy not to do. Your choice!


PETER THURIN spent more than 20 years owning, building and selling successful businesses but it was a simple phone call that led to an epiphany about life and what he wanted out of it.

Ever since he was a boy, Peter had wanted to be a black belt in martial arts. It was a dream, but an unfulfilled one. At 36 years of age, Peter made the decision to finally pursue that dream by making a simple phone call to his local Taekwondo school to arrange his first lesson. It was easy to do, but for 36 years it had also been easy not to do.

That was the epiphany.

Now a 3rd Dan Black Belt, Peter sees everything in life as a choice between easy to do' and easy not to do'. Just like he did in pursuing his own dream, Peter now helps people focus on what they CAN DO rather than what they can't. He helps people from all over the world with the inspiration, enthusiasm, and determination they need to rise to the challenge.

Peter's story is not one of extraordinary achievement, but it is a story of achievement. it's��s a story of what ordinary people can achieve when they focus on what matters to them and, starting with small steps, build the momentum they need to reach their goals.

As Peter says, “big-picture goals can be so daunting that often people don't have the courage to get into the game. I say it's��s OK to feel awkward, it's��s OK to feel uncomfortable, but don't allow those feelings to prevent you from making a start. So, what's the one thing you need to do to make a start? Let's go and do that

together. Let's get excited!'

Talking Points

The Top 300 Organisations

Do you want to know what the top 300 organisations around the world do differently?

Peter will take your people on a journey around the world sharing first-hand stories of organisations that have become and remain remarkable where other companies have moved to mediocre and at times irrelevant.

Through his research and global experience with outstanding companies Peter has developed The 7 Drivers of Organisational Success. Organisations that genuinely place customers and their people at the heart of the business, where people understand their role in where the company is headed, and continually improve how they work¦ These are the successful organisations and they all follow the 7 Drivers of Organisational Success.

¢ how to delight your team first then see customers delighted
¢ the three rules for retail success: Process | People | Results
¢ the power of WIN - What's Important Nowrkable
¢ to focus on excellence INSIDE the box, before outside the box
¢ the power of small-moments of leadership

Get in the Game

Good intentions will not get the job done. You actually have to DO SOMETHING'

Big-picture goals can be so daunting that people often don't have the courage to get into the game. It's ok to feel awkward and it's ok to feel uncomfortable, but don't allow those feelings to prevent you from having the courage to get in the game. Learn how taking action is easy to do.

Choose to get in the game!
- Taking action breeds confidence and confidence breeds action
- DO more. DO better. DO differently.
- Figure out the one thing you can DO now to get started

Rise to the Challenge

The two things you 100% CONTROL' are your effort and your attitude

Your attitude makes all the difference. A positive one can build you up, a negative one can take you down. Learn how taking control of your attitude and effort is easy to do.

Choose to rise to the challenge!
- Change your attitude
- Change your performance
- Change your impact

Be Remarkable

Small steps taken consistently over time lead to massive achievement

Being remarkable is the gradual result of always wanting to do better. It's about being brilliant at the basics, making good choices and being committed to continual improvement. Adopt a mantra of purposeful, forward movement and learn how achieving success is easy to do.

Choose to be remarkable!
- Start with small, consistent steps
- Learn the disciplines that maintain momentum
- Discover why success is an all the time' thing

Change Excellence

The Change Excellence keynote equips teams and organisations to embrace and make the most of the changes happening around them.

We all know change can be difficult for our team members. Whether we're on the strategy side or we're the one's receiving the change, it's a time of uncertainty and flux. This keynote gives people the mental mindsets and frameworks to face their changes with courage and grow positively through the change process. People leave this session actively looking for ways they can contribute will be better off as a result of the change.

Using examples from his own career and drawing on the stories from the hundreds of companies he works with, Peter will give your people the practical tool s to strengthen their resilience, improve their mental agility, and embrace situations that may be awkward and uncomfortable.

¢ connect their purpose with the change purpose
¢ learn to assess their own change-ability�
¢ be prepared and willing to embrace uncertainty
¢ have the skills to lead others through change

Blackbelt In Excellence

Peter Thurin's Blackbelt in Excellence keynote gives people the tools, structures and motivation to achieve excellence in any part of their life. Organisations and the people within them strive for excellence, yet forward
progress can often seem elusive and true excellence� is rarely attained. This keynote uncovers the hidden motivation design in martial arts and applies it to everyday life. It provides people with an understanding that, on their own, big picture goals are not enough - and true, sustainable progress comes from the achievement of smaller goals, stepping stones that lead to excellence.

Peter uses real-life stories and examples from his career building a high successful retail pharmacy business and his own personal journey to a black belt in taekwondo. He creates forward momentum in leadership excellence and teamwork excellence. The keynote is a catalyst for personal excellence and gives people the tools and courage to get into the game�.

¢ discover the hidden success principles built into martial arts
¢ learn how to adopt those principles into your everyday life
¢ be energised, inspired and motivated to make your life remarkable
¢ have the tools to map out your own journey to black belt

Retail Excellence

Creating environments that enable your people to shine. What combination of culture, rituals, routines and rewards make for an outstanding retail team? How do you fashion a retail environment that brings the best out in your people AND your customers?

Peter Thurin is someone who has taken on the big-boys in retail and won. With an unrelenting focus on individual relationships both within and outside his business, Peter overcame the buying-power handicap to drive out his much larger competition.

In this high-energy keynote Peter draws on his 20 years successful retail leadership and 15 years of working with the top organisations around the globe to bring you the ideas, insights and useful tools to create retail

¢ how to delight your team first then see customers delighted
¢ the three rules for retail success: Process | People | Results
¢ the power of WIN - What's Important Nowrkable
¢ to focus on excellence INSIDE the box, before outside the box
¢ the power of small-moments of leadership

Opportunity is the New Currency

Why investing in people gives the highest returns
Peter Thurin was simply outstanding. Genuinely on brief, passionate with clear messages and energy to burn. He thoroughly engaged the participants as both a key note speaker and MC throughout the three day conference and gala awards. Peter is a true professional and absolutely comes with my highest recommendation. We have confirmed Peter's involvement again next year and look forward to his continued contribution to the success of the business and conference. Super Liquor Holdings Ltd

Roll over high octane pretenders! This guy is the real deal. He has more staying power than the Duracell Bunny even dreamed of. He is Australia's answer to Anthony Robbins. If you want your people to be pumped Peter Thurin is your man. Without a doubt he is one of the most exciting and dynamic speakers and MC's on the circuit. He has more than enough personality and pizzaz to fill a stadium of thousands or enough sensitivity, empathy and understanding to connect with one person in an elevator. Yes, he is larger than life. Yes, he is overflowing with enthusiasm. But, there is so much more depth to Peter Thurin than meets the eye. I have used Peter successfully many times as a keynote and workshop speaker here and overseas. And, boy is he hard to please. His measure: if he doesn't get standing ovation - he hasn't hit the mark. More standing ovations (without the roses!) than Pavarotti. As a speaker or MC? Gilt-edged guaranteed winner.

Australian Business Theatre

Thank you for a fantastic program.I am writing to thank you for the fantastic program that you put together for our leadership forum. Feedback from the sessions that you ran was absolutely tremendous. Both the content of the sessions and the mode of delivery was first rate and I have no doubt that the messages you conveyed really resonated with our team. I also really appreciate the time you took to understand our business and integrate these learning's into your sessions. I look forward to working together in the future.


Feedback from all participants has been overwhelmingly positive and I can honestly say from my own experience that the presentation was entertaining, poignant and extremely relevant to everything we are trying to do. In particular, I want to thank you for the lengths that you went to in preparing for the day. Your knowledge of our business was clearly apparent, making your message all the more accessible.

ALDI Australia

What can I say about Peter Thurin? What a genuinely passionate, energetic, charismatic human being! He filled the room with enthusiasm, the audience hung on every word and he struck a chord with delegates and business partners alike. Some business partners said they took a lot out of his presentation and that's huge considering they go to quite a few of these events every year. By using the words 'we' and 'us', Peter doesn't feel like a keynote speaker or a visitor; he feels more like part of the TLC team. His acronym WIN - What's Important Now - is one I always have front of mind. Comments included: 'Control the controllable'; Disarray in the industry = OPPORTUNITY'; 'Enthusiasm is contagious'; 'Common sense - common place'; 'Choice depends on attitude'; and 'Attitude is Everything'. You can see that he has had a huge effect on all present (including me).

The Lucky Charm Newsagents

Right from the first discussions with Peter on the telephone I knew that he would be a fantastic presenter. His energetic enthusiasm combined with his polished professionalism makes for a sensational session in any event. Our audience left this session with some very practical and applicable tools to create change in their lives. However, it was the extra care, effort and attention Peter gave to the MC role that really held our event together. What was most striking was the genuine manner with which Peter engaged with the all participants, from our staff to the attendees and other guest speakers. Nothing was too much trouble, everything was given appropriate attention, and everyone at the event felt his presence as a collaborative and contributing force. Occasionally one is lucky enough in business to come across someone who exceeds all expectations; Peter is one of these people. If you are considering using Peter - I suggest that you act quickly as he is going to be a man in demand.

Mortgage Ezy Pty Ltd

Peter was 110% committed to ensuring our event and his session was successful. He delivered information that was new and interesting that we could all apply to our work our lives and our relationships. Our people have seen and heard lots of speakers and Peter ranks up there with the best of them, the passion he displayed and the insights and examples he delivered about our association and business in general were spot on. Suggestion: get TWO Peter Thurins on your books... he was very engaging and genuinely interested in our association which helped deliver a session that was topical and inspiring for many participants. We had our best AGM ever in ten years and Peter contributed to the enjoyment and success. Peter addressed us on Thursday and Friday and each session was just the right length and delivered with high professionalism. What better endorsement... on Saturday around the pool at Palazzo Versace Gold Coast about a dozen participants were reading Peter's book given out to them the day before! As the GM of the conference he made me (and other NILWA staff) look great in front of 154 people in the liquor industry and I did nothing but engage him to speak!

National Independent Liquor Wholesalers Assoc.

Fantastic! Your presentations have put a real buzz into our business and have got the whole staff working on 1%ers for their self improvement. Your presence, availability and approachable manner have been the game breaker. Our staff feels you are now part of the team, working with them to improve our business culture and outcomes. Our business has implemented the 'blackbelt in excellence' terminology when engaging staff and managing performance, we are always talking 1%ers. Getting in the game. Choosing your actions. Looking for solutions. What are the small steps? For me, you have become a valued confident and trusted mentor, every time I speak with you I feel energised and motivated to make a difference. Your support, encouragement and mentoring have kept me focused on the task at hand and the small steps needed to implement successful change. I am supremely confident that, together, we will create that great place to work, with positive people, engaged in being the best they can be, with the outcome being a successful, exciting and growing business.

Barry McGee, Chief Executive, WHK

Anything is possible with the energy and desire of the team of 'blackbelt in excellence'. Peter understands the values and the vision of our family company and has been instrumental in delivering the pride and passion to help achieve our business goals. 'blackbelt in excellence' has delivered a program that is concise and consistent which has encouraged teamwork across all areas of our business. Peter is like a member of the family, understanding that dedicated hard work will lead to success. He 'talks the talk' but more importantly follows up consistently for outstanding results.

Mitchell Taylor, Managing Director, Taylors Wines

Peter's 'blackbelt in excellence' program lights up the right path people need to take to achieve their goals but leaves it up to them to choose this path. Since reading Peter's book and participating in his program the sales team are experiencing the best ever results to date. In the past 12 months that Peter has been working with our team we have experienced 77 per cent growth which is astounding in a market that is declining. Of the 26 Taylors Area Managers across Australia, the five Queensland managers who have worked with Peter are the top five performers in the nation. Peter is such an important part of this team and a massive part of our turnaround towards success!

Taylors Wines

I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for the recent workshop and keynote address you delivered for the national Sensis Learning and Development team during our recent team event in Melbourne. Some of the words the team and I now use to describe you and the work you do at 'blackbelt in excellence' include: 'energetic', 'inspiring', 'challenging', 'rewarding', 'thought'... wait, 'action provoking'! The time you spent with me prior to the workshop was invaluable in preparing for the session. You really took the time to understand what my desired outcomes were and you were obviously focused and committed to ensuring they were achieved. You even managed me when I had some initial doubts that the team would be open and responsive! All I can say is that the preparation paid off, in bucket loads! The workshop was not only incredibly relevant for the team but it took a newly formed group of employees who were unsure of themselves and what they were capable of, both as individuals and as a group, to a place where there is a whole new dynamic in play! The team was really able to challenge some of their initial thinking and beliefs and really consider new possibilities “ they were inspired by your words but more importantly, inspired by their capacity to do something they never thought was possible and in that, consider what else was possible for them as individuals and as a team. Right from the start you told me the session would break down barriers and have the team thinking and acting in a new way “ and you were right! I have seen such improvement in attitude and behaviour since the workshop “ it really was a great success!


Peter your presentation was inspiring and delivered a fantastic message, which energised our delegates for the remainder of the weekend and beyond. Our staff has all commented on how pumped-up and ready for action they felt after your session with them on Monday afternoon. You continue to deliver a terrific message with great enthusiasm and your contribution is much appreciated. Once again thank you for a job well done. Your creative talent and your enthusiasm to the task are much appreciated. I know that all of our delegates will remember their time at Twin Waters and your participation in all areas will develop a greater business future for all of our delegates.

Schwarzkopf Professional & Indola, Australia & NZ

On behalf of us all at Orica Mining Services, I want to thank you for your 'blackbelt in excellence' event at our Leadership Conference in Kuala Lumpur. Your combination of passion, energy and optimism was an inspiration to so many of our team and the key messages were right on agenda for our central conference themes. Great stuff.

CEO, Orica Mining Services

The feedback received from our staff is that your hold no punches presentation was the highlight of the day and you have definitely motivated many of the group to work toward being the best you can. Our key messages were delivered perfectly.

Credit Union Australia

The feedback after Peter's session was fantastic. Peter actually took the time to fully understand our business goals and combine with his motivational theories to produce a session that was highly relevant and highly motivating. Peter challenged people to take responsibility for their own destiny and forced them to think about what actions they can take ahead of waiting for someone else to do it for them. Inspiring stuff and I would highly recommend Peter to anyone wanting to take their business outlook to the next level.

Our franchises were overwhelmed and energy charged with your interactive and challenging workshop. The experience and the memories that all attending franchises conveyed to me after your floor show was nothing short of brilliant and will be held up as one of the highlights of this year's event. Your uncanny ability to precise all the topics from our extensive event program in a single address was both entertaining and thought provoking. It made them question and rethink the road map required to achieve their personal and professional objectives.

CEO, Autobarn

Peter your session from the outset was designed to be different and as our delegates entered the room they new they were in for something new. Your presentation style was professional and warm and you filled each of our delegates with the confidence to approach the solution rather than the problem. All of our delegates have expressed to our Schwarzkopf Professional team how delighted they are to have been present throughout your demonstration and presentation. Your material was first rate. Your presentation has guaranteed a greater business future for all of our delegates.

Schwarzkopf Professional

The 'blackbelt in excellence' event run recently was one of the most highly rated events in this Chapter's Education Program. The sequence of activities was top class and each built on the learning of the previous activities. The evening culminated in the motivational presentation by Peter Thurin, which related the disciplines involved in the Martial Arts to our daily lives with respect to both family and business. Our members left energised and highly motivated, having achieved results that they believed were beyond their capabilities. Peter, I congratulate you on this superb workshop and would recommend you as a top class motivational presenter any time.

Young Presidents' Organisation

You provided something completely different, and because of your background and achievements, it was more than just motivational “ it got their blood going! I've received a number of positive comments from the attendees and it is something none of them will forget. The entire experience was thoroughly enjoyable and helped make a great day for us. This was the second time I've experienced your performance, and given the opportunity, I'd certainly do it again!


Truly outstanding! A room filled with McDonald's Managers aging from 18 years of age through to adult sat on the edge of their seats involved in 'blackbelt in excellence' for the entire presentation. Peter spoke about Customer Service Basics, which is a keystone for our Business. But he also made them think about being the best you can be and this has challenged many of our managers to take note and know that they can make a difference, but that it starts with them! WOW! Thank you for the experience, the morning was entertaining, motivating and inspiring!

McDonald's Australia

In organising many similar conferences and events at Telstra; I have had the opportunity to witness a number of presenters speak on different topics however I would consider yours to be second to none. The enthusiastic response from my group is testament to the value you added to our conference. The integration of your successful business expertise with your taekwondo experience not only gave credibility to the presentation but additional strength to the character of each team member. This was particularly evident when each was asked to break a board with their bare hands. The WOW factor was overwhelming. You managed to take a group of people, from all parts of Australia, and create a motivated, inspired and empowered team in a very short period of time. It was apparent that our pre-conference meetings were well considered and your understanding of our business needs was obvious in a highly creditable, humorous and professional presentation.


We have just returned from Sanctuary Cove where we had Peter Thurin on site for different sessions for one of our pharmaceutical clients. And, once again, a triumph! Peter Thurin literally brought the house down with 'blackbelt in excellence' and I can't recommend him highly enough. Such was the response to his session, that our debrief with the client will include plans to further his involvement with the group at their mid-year Conference. Talk about hit the nail on the head and know how to get the best from a group! The response was overwhelming enthusiasm and I really believe that he changed a few lives in the room on Wednesday morning. In addition to achieving a 100% board breaking success rate through a very varied age group, our clients were amazed at Peter's research, preparation and understanding of their business - he delivered EVERY key message and really got through where others have failed. As I was leaving, the internal conference organiser said: 'I will never forget this morning, never, the whole of my life. I feel amazing.' Truly, that's a quote! And I think this was a sentiment that would be shared by much of the group. Suffice it to say, once again, we are ecstatic and so are our clients. Please pass on my grateful thanks to Peter and I look forward to working with him again in the near future.

Event management company for Amgen

Peter, you didn't just inspire my organization, you changed our way of thinking. Your approach of telling stories, sharing failures and successes, and coaching on simple things like being humble and not taking anything or anyone for granted has brought out the remarkable in my team! I see it every day as I walk the halls and hear how my team weave this new way of thinking in to their everyday professional and personal lives. The energy is high, the teaming is high, and we are beating all our business expectations! What a great way for us to start the year. Thank you so much Peter

ViaWest Inc.

A true inspirational Spirit! Each session has had a profound effect on people. Peter has been able to connect to the audiences at one of the deepest levels I have seen. His messages, stories, success criteria all based around personal ownership and accountability has enabled many to take away great meaning to both their work and personal lives. He was also able to lift the energy in the room and move the group mind set into that very powerful space of high creativity and a want to BE BETTER - supplying a path to see a way through the trees to focus on the 20% that matters. His messages on life, His beautiful intent to truly help others and His incredible passion & energy makes it very easy for me to recommend him.

Optus Business

The highest impact of any speaker I have now seen you twice and without doubt you have had the most impact on my life of any developer of human potential. Your simple messages are communicated with such passion and energy that implementation was easy. The routine has gone and I am on my way to remarkable.

Regional Sales Manager, Stockland

A standing ovation that went on forever! Peter was absolutely perfect. It was such a great way to finish our conference everybody left feeling pumped, excited and ready to take on the world! Peter was an absolute pleasure to work with. He really went all out to include as much Epson information and details in his presentation as possible. We will definitely utilise Peter in the future.

National Sales Manager, Epson

Thank you for your energy and enthusiasm. Peter added a huge amount of energy to our Global Management Team Meeting and gave us the spirit to take up any kind of challenge. It was a pleasure to work with him because of his highly professional working style, very positive attitude and great personality.

Global President , BASF

Very professional and his topic fitted our requirements very well. The feedback from all staff was very positive and they are already implementing his ideas.

APC Logistics

Peter has now done motivational sessions with the Optus Business Enterprise and Government Sales team for the past 18 months. The last engagement over the past three months has seen him address the VIC, NSW and QLD teams. The session were broken up into a two hour motivational session with all Sales, Pre-sales and Sales support personal and then a following 1hr session straight after with the sales management team to capture the key learnings and explore way to bring them into the businesses so we can enrich the lives of our people. His assignment was to open the minds and hearts of our people who working through immense transformational pressures. In essence to really remind them why they love their jobs and what they have to do to ensure they do more of what really inspires themselves, our customers and our teams. I am delighted to say that he did a wonderful job in achieving this. Each session has had a profound effect on people. Peter has been able to connect to the audiences at one of the deepest levels I have seen. His messages, stories, success criteria all based around personal ownership and accountability has enable many to take away great meaning to both their work and personal lives. He was also able to lift the energy in the room and move the group mind set of into that very powerful space of "high creativity" and "a want to BE BETTER" - supplying a path to see a way through the trees to focus on the 20% that matters. His messages on life, his beautiful intent to truly help others and his incredible passion & energy makes it very easy for me to recommend him.

Optus Business

Peter Thurin was very professional and his topic fitted our requirements very well. The feedback from all staff was very positive and they are already implementing his ideas.

APC Logistics

Peter was a delight to work with. He had the audience thoroughly engaged, entertained and educated. The feedback has been exceptional.


Peter spent a great deal of time working with me prior to the event to ensure he had an understanding of what we were doing and the message we wanted to give. Because of this, Peter delivered a session that was totally relevant to the day.

Insurance Advisernet

Peter took the time to really understand the brief. Peter called me prior to the event and we spoke at length as to what our business stood for, what our event was designed to do and what messages we wanted to leave with our delegates to take them forwards over the year ahead. Peter nailed it! His presentation was energetic, relevant and highly entertaining. His message was clear and he was able to cleverly include our messages into his delivery. By far and away, he was rated incredibly highly by our delegates as being a speaker of the highest calibre - he left them wanting more. I have no hesitation in recommending Peter and we will look to use him again in the future whether as a keynote speaker or workshop facilitator.

Insurance Advisernet

We invited Peter back to address our Area Manager team after overwhelmingly positive feedback from our Store Manager group the previous year. Peter again did not disappoint. His commitment to understanding our organisation, its culture, and language, has been second to none. His passion and enthusiasm are infectious, and his presentation is both highly entertaining and practical in its message. Furthermore, it has been tailored by Peter to engage with the key issues we were seeking to address on the day. Peter is a speaker of outstanding abilities, and his approach has resulted in a number of significant behavioural changes within our region. I would highly recommend him for any future engagement.

ALDI Australia
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