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Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence & Corporate Innovation


Peter Xing is a keynote speaker and writer on transhumanism and emerging technologies, helping organisations & individuals navigate and flourish in these unprecedented times of accelerating change and disruption.

Peter is part of the Singularity University Expert Faculty on transhumanism and emerging technologies. He is the co-founder of Transhumanism Australia, a community of technologists dedicated to helping society transcend the limitations of our human biology using science and technology.

Current Work:

Peter previously worked on global emerging technology initiatives at KPMG and Deloitte including generative AI, web3 and extended reality to help organisations navigate and flourish in these unprecedented times of accelerating change and disruption.

Peter is passionate about co-designing the strategy and developing solutions for businesses in preparation for the impact of disruption from emerging technologies in every industry. He manages projects which automate the delivery of actionable business insights to leadership using digital, data and design principles.

Ultimately, Peter's mission is to accelerate R&D investment by governments and private sectors into science and technology to transcend the limitations of the human biological condition by enhancing our intelligence, healthy lifespan, and well-being.

Talking Points

COVID-19: Opportunities for automation and remote services

Super-Intelligent Organisations: Business Models For The AI Era

The Platform Wars: How competing software, hardware and political ideology could accelerate existing divisions in humanity into the future

Transhumanism: The next logical step in our evolution

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