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Changing workplace safety attitudes.


Phillip Smallman could have lost his life as a result of a workplace accident. He didn't – but will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. One small lapse in concentration and his world came crashing down. He is now a paraplegic.

Phillip Smallman is unique. He is a professional speaker on a mission. In two powerful hours, Phillip will change attitudes towards workplace safety.

Most Australian companies have been very progressive in improving our workplaces over the last two decades. The final hurdle is personal accountability and commitment from each individual to build a sustainable safety culture.

Phillip Smallman is on a mission to help individuals, no matter what their role in the company to understand why it's important to contribute to a safe culture.

Workplace safety, as you know, isn't just all about saving lives. It's about preventing injury and the trauma that means for workers, their family, workmates and the company.

Phillip Smallman is having a powerful effect and bringing about big changes in workplace attitudes towards safety. This is being reflected by a change in behaviour by workers, both towards their fellow workers and towards management.

Talking Points

Positive Change

Making Safety Personal

The 'Why' of Safety

Building a Safety Culture

Phil is obviously very committed to making a difference to the way that safety is perceived and for others to have a picture of the wide-reaching and devastating effects it can have when something goes wrong. Phil's commitment, honesty and openness make for a very thought-provoking, personal experience for each individual in the audience. If you have ever thought that safety was part of someone else's job and not yours, Phil will be the catalyst to make you think again. Simplot Australia

Your willingness to share your own personal experience was inspirational and moved us all. Your insights have significantly influenced the mindset of our people and many are taking your heartfelt message back to their workplace. Thank you for the contribution you made to the success of the day.

Department of Sustainability and Development

Phil was very good, he kept my audience of 95 people glued to their seats for 100 minutes as he took them on a journey. Phil really hit home in more ways then one, as I looked around the room that day I could see people wiping their eyes as tears flowed, others had their mouth wide open in dismay and others obviously searching their own minds on what they may have done in the past that could have been dangerous and stupid and lucky not to be affected. He's speech set the scene for the rest of the day which was so important for my conference to be a success so I thank him for that.

CSR Lightweight Systems

The overall rating of excellent is supported by the impact Phil had upon the employees that were privileged to attend the presentations. Phil's story that he relates about the incident he was involved in, the impacts of the incident where he explains the loss and costs and the overall summary of the presentation into a basic safety culture model is outstanding. The concept of employees who take short cuts and not follow systems and practices moves the employee from the realm of possibility to the realm of probability is very important and the choice of the word 'arrogance' to describe the attitude that people take when they put themselves into the realm of probability really hit home to employees. From a personal perspective, I consider it an honour to have travelled with Phil over the week and I have gained a perspective on Safety that will impact on my life from this point onwards and as a Safety Practitioner, I believe I can influence other people with the concepts Phil presented so they will have the choice to remain in the realm of possibility or put themselves in the realm of probability.

Ergon Energy

Wow. For the hour that Philip spoke for you could hear a pin drop in the room. Philip's story is very personal one that leaves a very strong message about why safety and just importantly ones attitude to safety is important. The message that he left with our audience is one that I am sure will stay with them for a long time to come.

CFC Group
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