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Moore AM AM

The power of the word.



Robyn Moore is regarded as one of Australia's best and most in-demand speakers. For over 40 years she has been working in education, advertising and the communication/entertainment industry. She has unique skills with 'the Power of the Word' and her entertaining, inspiring and thought provoking presentations totally captivate her audiences at national and international conferences.

Robyn 'sells people back to themselves' so they recognise old habits and behaviours and take responsibility for choices, which create the outcomes they want in their lives (personally and professionally).

She consistently creates the cut through results her clients want, in areas such as workplace culture, change management, engagement, purpose, leadership, passion, values, wellbeing, work/home balance.

Robyn's presentations are quite often literally described as… “life changing”.

Talking Points

Keynote Presentations

Robyn’s presentations are tailored to your Brief as well as being designed to:

• Re-ENGAGE your delegates/staff with their whole LIFE! Their Vocation/Job, Business, Purpose, Family, Relationships, Community…Themselves!

• Re-ALIGN delegates/staff with the Vision, Values and Goals of the company or their business.

• Re-INVENT attitudes and behaviours…attendees access personal responsibility and self-determination. The bi-products are Leadership, Integrity and Authenticity.

• Re-GENERATE Passion, Energy, Productivity, Laughter and Work/Home balance.

• Re-MIND your audience about what “really mattered before the circumstances changed everything!” They get to experience Possibility, Optimism and Satisfaction again…and the desire to pass this onto their staff, team, customers and their families.

• Re-STORE confidence, hope and resilience in challenging times

As your MC

When she is also the MC, delegates consistently report “The Best Conference EVER”! Having one, two or three days with an audience, enables Robyn to enhance her relationship with everyone. Through her years of experience she holds the conference together, keeps people totally engaged and…deepen, embed and re-enforce the theme and messages from the entire Conference.
Robyn Moore changes peoples' attitudes, behavioursand their LIVES and has equipped us with tools to change the way we think. The feedback from staff has been overwhelming. Port Lincoln Health Services

Amazing, engaging, exciting, interesting, absolutely captivating. Everyone loved Robyn Moore, I'm being inundated with fantastic feedback!

NSW Department of Education and Training

In Robyn's case there should be an extra category above for sensationally extraordinary. She is indeed transformational and unanimously voted the best' speaker and presenter we have experienced. We laughed together, we cried together, we were inspired, motivated and grounded by Robyn's lifefull' presentation.

All Saints Anglican School

Robyn was simply amazing. She had 2 of the more difficult slots on the program - last speaker Saturday afternoon and first speaker on Sunday morning, but her passion, humour and power as a speaker were exactly what was needed. The feedback from our conference delegates was glowing. She has made a difference in people's lives and encouraged them to examine themselves deeply in a way I did not think would be possible within a conference keynote presentation.

Lismore Catholic Schools Office

The impact on the leadership team is palpable and they continue to buzz with your energy.


Excellent! Robyn delivers a message that is like a shot of vitamin B, dark chocolate and good wine - and should be delivered regularly. She constantly pulls you from your own thoughts into the future, into the moment, and into valuing the now and the self. From laughter to tears to laughter there is not a person who cannot be moved by the integration of stories and experiences that she shares. You arrive at her session with a sense of anticipation and leave with a sense of purpose - defined.

Alzheimers Australia

Robyn was extremely well received by the Estee Lauder Group. To be able to hold an audience of such diverse background, age and experience in your hands for two hours is incredible. What a talent. The talk was touching, passionate, funny, enlightening all rolled into one. We can hear people around the building talking about this wonderful experience which will stay with us for a long time.

Estee Lauder

Robyn is a fantastic presenter who can read an audience and tailor her presentation to them. She is enthusiastic, entertaining, insightful and left a very positive message for all. This is the second time we have experienced Robyn's work and she simply gets better.

Hanmorres Financial Services

Excellent. Just outstanding - many people claiming the best speaker they had heard in over 20 years. Inspiring, funny and profound - a great success!

Xavier College, Melbourne

I cannot thank you enough for your generosity in sharing your knowledge, expertise and humour. Everyone I speak to continues to sing your praises... - Fantastic, relevant and 100% useful to take back to the Ronald McDonald House and spread the word. - Entertaining. I laughed and cried within 10 seconds. - Probably the most inspiring speaker we've ever had. - Outstanding presentation from a highly motivational speaker. - Robyn deserves more than five points. She has a special and honest nature. She will definitely be remembered as the highlight of this conference. - Robyn was extraordinary. She made me think about and understand so much more about myself and others. - The most powerful and heart-lifting speaker I have ever heard. - Words I will never forget. - Created laughter, light-heartedness and shows a deep passion. - Simply outstanding.

Ronald McDonald House

Excellent! Thank you so much for the absolutely fantastic, engaging presentation at our Office Professionals' Breakfast. People are still talking about the Breakfast as if it just happened and articles are still appearing in the newspaper! Many people who did not attend have been hearing the feedback and have indicated they definitely will not miss out next year-people are reserving places and tables already! People still cannot believe that you really did make them laugh and cry at the same time and how energised they were when they left the Breakfast! I have had comments from people who have attended conferences and breakfasts all around the world stating that you are without a doubt, the best presenter they have seen. Thank you for warming and lightening the hearts of many Bendigonians, something which was really needed at this time.

Australian Institute of Office Professionals

Independent evaluations were conducted for each session held in the area. 97% rated the sessions as 'excellent', 1% was 'very good' and 2% added their own reply: 'extraordinary'. Year 12 students attended the 10am session and went home and insisted their parents come. Several parents had previous engagements and were convinced by their children to change these and come along to the 7pm session. Robyn handled the diversity of the audiences with absolute professionalism. The audience was entranced, engaged and at the completion found themselves to be 'extraordinary'. People are already calling for her return.

Swan Hill Police

Excellent! Robyn was fantastic. The beauty of her presentation is its simplicity. She doesn't use complicated theories and models to energise and refocus the group, just stories and reflections that bring your focus back to the important things in work and life. I've never seen a speaker elicit such a range of emotions from an audience - from tears to laughter and everything in between. Many people in the group commented that it was exactly what they needed to hear.

Bristol-Myers Squibb

The feedback on your presentation from our delegates has been nothing short of outstanding! As you saw Robyn, the people you met are real winners and they are always looking for that extra boost to help them through their next busy year - you gave them that. Words like, inspirational, exciting and motivating were in most pieces of feedback we received.


Thank you for the marvellous content and presentation of your material regarding Relationships at our conference. The delegate responses were overwhelmingly thankful for having the opportunity to hear you speak, and several spoke of marriages back on track and of difficult situations resolved.

BCT Communications Pty Ltd

Extraordinarily excellent! Robyn provided our conference guests with a wonderfully balanced mix of 'motor-vation', empowerment, tug at the heartstrings reality, mixed with important messages about family and community values.

RoadSafe Central Victoria (VicRoads)

I am so happy there are people like Robyn in the world. We all work together to make the world a happier place and most importantly get people to believe in themselves - what a battle that is! I am so thankful to Robyn for how she instilled pride, love and empowerment into the volunteers. They were made feel special and she acknowledged their service to the community.


Thank you so much for your inspirational presentation on Tuesday. Staff have not stopped talking about it and it has really lifted their spirits. It was just the tonic that they needed and deserved. I cannot get over your ability to deliver such a relevant and uplifting session incorporating your voices, stories and the important information about how important our role as an EDUCATOR is. I feel privileged to have been part of the presentation and I know I am better equipped to cope with the issues from the tragedy we had to deal with and the ongoing support of staff and students.

Upwey High School

Excellent! Robyn was an outstanding success. She related to our teachers in a way that enabled them to gain lots of practical ideas for work, rest and play. We are quite confident that the tools she provided will have a very positive impact on the resiliency of our staff who work in remote Indigenous communities.

Top End Group School

Thank you for your presentation on the Power of the Word to the Australian Training Awards Finalists and Australian Apprenticeships Roundtable participants in Darwin. Through your presentation, the students felt empowered to become Ambassadors and advocate the success of the national training system in Australia. Many students expressed to me how your presentation had 'changed their lives' by assisting them to understand and be proud of their achievements.


Robyn is a very special, inspiring and dynamic woman who has the gift of touching people's hearts and minds. She has the ability to make people think about themselves, life, and what we can all do to make the world a better place for our children. She certainly gave our participants some food for thought, and with her inspiring and powerful words/stories, she made them realise how very important their jobs are: caring for and educating our children. I feel they walked away with 'new glasses' as to how they see their role, and the children, and where their work fits in with the big picture stuff. I also think they left with a new zest for life!

Indigenous Professional Support Unit

Excellent. Robyn has enormous energy, empathy and social intelligence. She was able to read the audience well and engage accordingly. Here are some delegate quotes from the evaluation of our conference... - I really enjoyed the surprise speaker Robyn Moore and got a lot out of her presentation both personally and professionally in terms of improving my communication skills. - I found the Corporate Speaker, Robyn Moore, to be very inspiring - it was a reminder to all present that the most important asset of an organisation is its people, and that all people have something that they can bring to the organisation. - The corporate speaker was mind blowing, gave the day a good start. - Robyn's inspirational messages highlighted the importance of valuing staff and allowing them to shine to meet their full potential.

Indigenous Land Corporation

Robyn's audience of around 700 was very diverse (road crews, child care, water services, general managers, CEO, mayor!) It was in a pavilion with a tin roof at the show-ground at 7.15 am. Within a space of less than one minute, Robyn had engaged with her audience and kept their attention for the whole time span... the staff at Maroochy have given her rave reviews.

Maroochy Shire Council

Thank you so much Robyn for being our guest speaker at the Networking for Women in Senior Management in the State Service. The time and effort and power you put into your words was much appreciated. You connected with and touched everyone in the room. We have never had such wonderful feedback. Everyone felt really enthused afterwards and you gave us some great ideas for keeping that feeling alive.

Women Tasmania

Excellent. Robyn was outstanding. She showed an extraordinary ability to totally capture her audience, which comprised of farming men and women aged from 30 to 75 plus teenage children. These drought affected families were totally inspired and entertained by Robyn. There is no doubt laughter is the best medicine and Robyn is a brilliant doctor. So many came to her afterwards and to me saying they had changed their attitude and now had renewed energy to go on coping with the drought. We have never had such positive feedback from an audience and there is much enthusiasm from other groups to have her back to other areas nearby. The best drought assistance ever offered to farmers.

NSW Agriculture

Robyn's influence on our annual staff conference turned a good day into a great day. Her engagement with all in attendance left them inspired and challenged resulting in a cultural changing experience for individuals and organisation alike. Robyn's ability to connect with and motivate people regardless of position or role was exceptional and provided a rich and dynamic context to frame the whole conference.

Adelaide Botanic Gardens

Excellent. A brilliant speaker who really hit the nail on the head with what we were trying to get across.

Australian Federal Police

Feedback from the delegates was, without exception, extremely positive and nearly all commented that the breadth and depth of your words were not only inspirational but also very appropriate and exhilarating. These comments also reinforced similar ones which followed your presentation to our Region East staff at Port Stephens earlier in the year. There is no doubt that the calibre of your presentation and your effusive and engaging personality played a significant role in making the Conference an outstanding success!

NSW Rural Fire Service

Excellent! Robyn was fantastic. Her session summed up our theme of the many hats of leadership including the one necessary leadership hat - 'audacious leadership'. Her session had us laughing and crying and added a depth that had us all thinking. A fabulous final speaker.

Women in Educational Leadership

Excellent! Robyn's warmth and liveliness touched our guests. Her stories provoked thought and emotion and each person has taken away a memorable word, quote or intention to use in their lives. Her relevance to teachers and educators was significant as demonstrated by the number of guests who spoke with Robyn personally and enquired about her speaking at local school gatherings.

Teaching Australia

Thank you for your extraordinary and captivating presentation on Communication and living life. You moved the room from tears to laughter and all were enthralled with your messages... we've never had a total rating of 5 before!

National Institute of Chartered Accountants Congress

Excellent. Robyn's objective was to speak about altering the way we think and communicate with one another in order to 'get the balance right'. Her valuable comments had everyone in the room questioning their own motivations in both life and business. Robyn left a great impression on our members as 49 people attended her value-added 'impromptu' workshop in the afternoon, which focused on personal relationships.

Independent Brands Australia Incentive (Fiji)

Just a note to thank you for your contribution in making our National Conference such a huge success. Your closing presentation was superb in that it delivered the message in such a creative and entertaining manner that we had been attempting to relay all week. It really hit the mark with our franchisees. I am sure they all left with a clear message that will not only help their businesses but will have a huge impact on their personal lives.


Excellent! 11 out of 10! Extraordinary! Robyn has true potential to make motivational speakers redundant She is marvellous at what she does. Robyn hit all the right notes with our audience. Highly recommended by Gerry, I nevertheless found it amazing how willing she was to spend so much time prior to the event trying to understand our company and our people. Not just your normal speaker, she captivated every single delegate and then held them firmly (and willingly) in the palm of her hand for over an hour. She made our delegates laugh, cry, re-evaluate their lives, refocus on what's important, and the best part is that she left a lasting impression on everyone. This alone is a remarkable difference between Robyn and other speakers - she actually achieved a CUT-THROUGH I never would have thought possible if I hadn't experienced it first-hand. I am so glad we placed her as final speaker for the event as she just WOWED everyone.

Retail Food Group

Robyn Moore was simply amazing! People are still raving about her! An excellent choice and an excellent speaker. She was able to link parks and leisure into her presentation so effortlessly and effectively and her motivation, humour and passion were much appreciated by the audience. I couldn't think of a better speaker to open our conference.

Parks and Leisure Australia

Excellent! I believed Robyn Moore would start the convention with a 'bang'... I hadn't expected half a ton of dynamite! She discussed with me the message I would like to impart to the audience and from that discussion, with her little note book and her gleaning of information on the Friday night, she fulfilled all my wishes and then added the other 75%! I am most grateful for what Robyn did for us.

Lions District 201N5

We would like to thank you for such an electrifying, energetic, and inspirational presentation. Your delivery and communication skills were absolutely fantastic! Franchisees feedback included... - This was the most enjoyable, informative and compelling motivational session that I have ever attended. Robyn touched me both personally and professionally. Robyn brought me back to reality, both in life and business. - Whoa! At 68 years of age I thought I had heard it all, but I really learnt that my life has just begun! Great! - Fantastic, enlightening, eye-opening, powerful with great natural humour. - A wonderful experience and insight into our being and connections to ourselves and others. - An eye-opener to being in control of your attitude. - Thank you so much for enriching not only my life but also those of my staff. - Sheer brilliance, wonderful! Nothing like I have ever heard before. - Robyn was great, really brought back my enthusiasm for real estate and brought everything back into perspective.

Elders Queensland

Thank you so much for your wonderfully entertaining, funny and inspiring presentation at the Macquarie Bank Womens' Cocktail Function... we laughed and laughed, were reflective and had tears in our eyes, one after the other. It was an experience that touched us where it mattered, both lightening the load and raising our awareness of being 'in life'. If this was a report card I would have to say 'Highly recommended'!

Macquarie Bank

Your presentation was superb. You have touched the lives of all who were present. Congratulations on a very professional approach - it had everything from motivation, good humour and some excellent tips on enjoying and coping with everyday life. Port Augusta has changed forever. The enthusiasm and positive atmosphere is very noticeable and your simple and powerful messages will be remembered for a long time.

Port Augusta Council

You drew on an amazingly wide range of skills from the performing arts, including mime, mimicry, rhetoric and character acting, to engage and captivate your audience. 'The Power of the Word' was much more than a fascinating entertainment, it also carried a great, and obviously heartfelt, message that resonated with the theme of our conference and with the mood of the delegates. All delegates, local, interstate and overseas, were fulsome in their praise. Many, when asked to evaluate the contribution of the overseas speakers, wrote instead in praise of your work.

Australian Secondary Principals Association

The response to Robyn's presentation at our AMP Customer Service leadership day was rapturous. Her authenticity, real life examples and ability to 'get' where the audience is at, makes her a high value speaker. She has a love of life that is highly infectious. She moved us, inspired us and entertained us. She was the most consistently highly rated presenter on our evaluation sheet.

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