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Award-Winning Executive Adviser on Digital Reputation & Risk


Every leader has a digital reputation - what does yours say?


Roger Christie is passionate about helping emerging and established leaders understand the power of their digital reputation, which he considers their "most valuable professional asset" today. Why? Because a leader's digital reputation is the one thing anyone, anywhere can access to make decisions about whether to trust, follow and buy from them today. Often without them in the room.

Roger has counselled hundreds of leaders across the public, private and NGO sectors on their own use of social media as a strategic communications tool to help protect and enhance reputation, both in a 1-1 and group setting. He has received multiple industry awards for his work driving change in this area within the public and private sectors, including being selected as one of Westpac's inaugural 'Business of Tomorrow' recipients.

He has worked with over 50 federal, state and local government agencies, and a range of for profit and for purpose clients including: Anglicare, the Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions, Austrade, the ACCC, Australia Post, the ATO, CommBank, IAG, Suncorp, Team Global Express, UniSuper and Westpac. He has also served as a non-executive director for Youth Law Australia and an advisory board member for medtech start up Octadoc.

Roger has extensive experience speaking with executive audiences about digital reputation, including at ASX100 corporate events, government forums, and with key industry bodies such as the AICD, AGSM and ARCS industry group for life sciences. He has presented at TEDx, the IABC World Conference, the e-Governance Global Conference, Digital Government Festival and a range of industry conferences over the past 15 years.

In 2022, Roger authored the Digital Reputation Report, analysing ASX200 CEOs' use of LinkedIn - the first detailed study into executive behaviours and performance online in Australia. Roger also hosts the Your Digital Reputation podcast that has featured CEOs, government executives and industry leaders from Australia, the US, Canada and the UK.

Roger also runs the Government Digital Leaders Network and co-hosts The Digital Communicators Podcast, and so deeply understands the challenges facing established and emerging public sector leaders as they delicately balance the obligations of life in the public service with the need to be seen and to lead online.

Roger is also passionate about using social media as a force for good in reducing online abuse, helping leaders role model positive behaviours and equipping female leaders in particular with the skills and assets needed to thrive online. A passionate advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion online, Roger has partnered with lead organisations including the eSafety Commissioner, Women for Election and Women's Agenda Leadership Awards to help elevate the voices of women online.

Talking Points

What Happens When You Google Your Name?

Whether you are active or not - whether you like it or not - you now have a digital reputation. One that anyone, anywhere can access to make decisions about you, often without you in the room. What does yours look like - is it a halo or a shadow? With more than 15 years' experience in social media and executive counsel, Roger shares examples and frameworks to help executives take control of their narrative and most valuable professional asset today: their digital reputation.

- Executives, Boards & Founders
- Large Enterprise, SME & Start-Ups
- Heads of Communications & HR

Key Takeaways:
- A deep understanding of influence and algorithms in the reputation economy
- How successful leaders use social media to better control their narrative and attract talent, investors and partners
- Practical steps to improve your digital reputation

'Chief Storytellers': Become a Leader Worth Following

To compete effectively on a global stage toady, leaders require a new skillset: they need to be visible at scale. How can you cut through the noise to reach talent, prospects and partners - how can you become a leader worth following? Through an exploration of industry best practices, first-hand accounts and storytelling frameworks, Roger breaks down the elements every leader needs to remain relevant and to resonate in a world influenced by algorithms.

- Executives, Boards & Founders
- Large Enterprise, SME & Start Ups
- Heads of Communications (Internal and External) & HR

Key Takeaways:
- The art and science of effective online storytelling
- How the best leaders share stories - theirs and others' - online
- Practical frameworks to help unlock your own unique stories

What Are the Real Risks of Social Media?

What do prominent CEOs, corporate reputations and more than $1 billion of company valuations have in common? They've all been wiped away - more than once - at the hands of social media. Is it too risky for leaders to stand up and speak out online today? Roger shares insights behind some of the highest profile social media crises, reveals where the real risks lie (including the cost of silence), and provides practical advice on how to protect your reputation today.

- Executives, Boards & Founders
- Large Enterprise, SME & Start Ups
- Heads of Communications, Business Continuity/Risk

Key Takeaways:
- How social media crises most commonly start and key sources of risk
- What went wrong for organisations and leaders who faced a crisis
- What you can do to mitigate risk and protect reputation
Really interesting and thought-provoking. I will approach social media quite differently in future. Australian Institute of Company Directors

You were amazing. Your insights and your perspective was so incredibly valuable. I'm just sad more women didn't get to learn from you. Thank you so so much!!!

Women For Election

Your session was really engaging, persuasive and full of good advice. It wasn’t a 'How To' but a more strategic examination of the intentionality and purposefulness that goes into building a relevant network.

Youth Law Australia

Whether you are seeking strategic guidance on the big picture, or simply need a reliable and expert set of hands, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Roger.


Whenever Roger speaks on the topic, it's worth paying heed.

Damian Corbet, Author of The Social CEO

10/10 for yesterday. Definitely a step or two above anything I’ve previously been exposed to in this space.

Department of Premier & Cabinet
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