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Leading Voice in Shaping Inclusive Wellbeing


Practice paves the road, patience lights the way & persistence keeps you moving towards success.


Ruhee Meghani (she/her) is a highly sought-after facilitator and public speaker with over 11 years of awe-inspiring experience. She is the founder of Allied Collective, Australia's first inclusive facilitation and wellbeing agency guiding leaders and organizations toward achieving their goals with top-notch training and workshops. Her curiosity and straightforward approach make her a powerful voice in discussions about inclusion, equity, and wellbeing to amplify diverse perspectives, voices, and ideas through cultural intelligence.

Ruhee's academic expertise is grounded in psychology, business management, and Yogic philosophy, and her experience spans over 25 companies across industries including advertising & media, sports management, technology, Government departments, engineering and retail, leaving her indelible mark. Working with organisations like Ogilvy, Lenovo, State Government of Victoria, Monash University, Arup, Migration Council of Australia, Women in Cybersecurity, and magazines like Ascension and Mavens, she breathes life into every engagement and has been hailed as a 'firecracker with purpose'.

Ruhee's role as a Yoga teacher allows her to blend a deep understanding of wellness philosophy into her work, giving her a unique edge. Often described as a personification of sunshine, Ruhee's enthusiasm is transformative, making a lasting difference in the fields of inclusive facilitation and wellbeing. With a clear and unwavering vision, she is on a mission to shape a world where equity is not just an aspiration but a reality, fueled by her intelligence, tenacity, and charm. Get ready to be invigorated by her presence.

Talking Points

Inclusive Leadership - A Critical Journey to Excellence

Diversity is a known fact - it exists everywhere. However, active inclusion is a choice. The demand for inclusive leadership is at its peak, and effective management of diverse teams and fostering an environment of wellbeing is more than a goal—it's the norm. Ruhee guides you to unlock the power of diverse perspectives and experiences, essential for grasping complex issues and making well-rounded decisions. This session is a deep dive into the essence of inclusive leadership. It explores its critical role in contemporary, diverse workplaces and the path to embodying this transformative leadership style. Ruhee brings to life the concept with real-world instances, showcasing how leading companies and visionaries are making diversity and inclusion cornerstones of their success.

This session is tailor-made for senior executives and people leaders who are keen to lead with a difference with skills in management psychology & cultural intelligence.

Key Takeaways:
- Gain a profound understanding of what inclusive leadership entails and its pivotal role in today's work environment.
- Learn strategies to identify and bridge gaps in inclusive leadership skills.
- Enhance decision-making, boost employee engagement, and drive productivity by viewing these crucial aspects through the prism of inclusion, tapping into the rich potential of diverse viewpoints and experiences.

Reclaiming your Wellbeing and Overcoming Burnout

This talk is designed for those facing the challenges of high-stress environments and seeking effective strategies to promote a balanced, healthy work-life for themselves and their teams. Ruhee delves into the relevant topic of burnout, offering practical solutions and strategies for those grappling with, or on the cusp of, burnout. This session goes beyond merely identifying the signs and symptoms; it delves into the root causes of burnout, its profound impact on individuals and organizations, and the transformative ways to address it. Attendees will learn effective methods for managing and healing from burnout, encompassing self-care practices through the lens of 10 Dimensions of Wellbeing, stress reduction techniques, and impactful communication strategies. Moreover, the talk will provide valuable insights into fostering a supportive and healthy work environment, pivotal in preventing burnout.

This session is a must-attend for managers and people leaders, HR professionals, entrepreneurs, and small business owners, offering essential tools for nurturing a well-balanced life both professionally and personally.

Key Takeaways:

A deeper understanding of the underlying factors contributing to burnout.
An assessment of the 10 Dimensions of Wellbeing and a toolkit of practical methods for effectively managing and overcoming burnout.
Insightful strategies for cultivating a healthy, burnout-resistant work culture.

Workshop: Leadership Transformed: The Wisdom of Yoga Philosophy in the Modern Workplace

This workshop is for those passionate about personal development & mindful leadership. The ancient practice of Yoga, often associated primarily with physical postures or asanas, extends far beyond into a 5000-year-old reservoir of wisdom, now echoed by modern science, for effective leadership. In this interactive workshop, Ruhee, with her extensive 11 years of experience in Yoga philosophy, explores its invaluable contributions to cultivating cultural intelligence and elevating leadership efficiency.
This session is a transformative journey, grounded in the principles of mindfulness, self-awareness, and empathy, encouraging participants to delve into self-discovery and growth. It paves the way for participants to emerge as leaders who are not only inclusive and compassionate but also exceptionally effective in their roles.

Ideal Attendees:
This workshop is meticulously designed for professionals from various backgrounds who are eager to refine their leadership skills and foster a more inclusive, harmonious work environment. It is particularly beneficial for leaders, managers, executives, and individuals dedicated to self-development and mindful leadership.

Key Takeaways:

Develop Cultural Intelligence to appreciate and leverage the strengths of a diverse team.
Embrace mindfulness and self-awareness for emotional intelligence and resilience in leadership.
Understand how empathy can transform team dynamics, fostering trust and cohesion.
Learn how to integrate Yoga philosophy into leadership for ethical, balanced decision-making and sustainable practices.
Ruhee guided our company to better understand the unique role that human resources professionals play in enabling a firm to be anti-racist. Her extensive understanding of inclusive talent management processes and how to engage others in conversations about race are inspiring. The Allied Collective program takes what are difficult conversations and topics and facilitates personal and group reflections on them in a safe environment. This knowledge program inspires change at both individual and organizational levels. Arup

Ruhee was super informative and with some excellent actionable steps. We loved the depth and breadth of what was covered and it challenged our thinking on this topic - thank you!

Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Ruhee’s passion and experience shine when she is facilitating. I’ve had the opportunity to take part in several sessions that Ruhee has hosted - from groups of 30 individuals to upwards of 100. In every session, the result is the same: Ruhee creates an open space for people to learn, engage, ask questions, and feel heard. With more events and meetings happening virtually, it is increasingly challenging to facilitate content or deliver training that is both engaging and instructive, but Ruhee does so consistently.

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