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Australia's No1 Sales Coach, changing the perception of sales since 2014


After almost 15 years in the world of sales, Ryan now dedicates his life to showing sales professionals, entrepreneurs & business owners a more ethical, authentic, and relationship-driven approach to selling called SWISH.

Selling With Integrity & Selling Honestly.

As a proud father of 2 boys, Maverick & Foxx, multiple business owners, advisors, investors and speakers, his passion is helping anyone looking to understand how to communicate the value of what they offer more effectively, efficiently, and with integrity.

After 8 years as an engineer back in the UK before moving to Australia as a backpacker in 2010, he, quite frankly was failing as a sales professional.

Finding his crisis point whilst sleeping on a bathroom floor with just 31 cents to his name, it was time to figure things out or go home. He became fanatically obsessed with everything from sales, body language, behavioural science, emotional intelligence, NLP or simply anything based on the psychology of what inspires human beings to take action.

As he says, study PEOPLE, NOT SALES, and it falls into place.
Through experience, good and bad, plus the findings of these studies, SWISH was formed in 2014 as a revolutionary sales methodology designed to have relationships at the centre of sales processes.
Alongside his company, SWISH Sales Coaching, he has now coached over 14,500 clients globally, across all industries, including B2B, B2C, Government, NFP and more, building out sales processes, coaching sales teams and leaders, to refine, define and maximise their sales approach.

In 2018 alongside ex-business partner, Jack Corbett, Ryan was successful on the TV show Shark Tank Australia, securing investment from Dr Glen Richards, Steve Baxter & Andrew Banks, who are still with the business to this day, with Ryan now coaching many of their portfolio of companies. With their guidance, Ryan created what is widely known as the world's best practice, online sales training, The SWISH Academy.

With a keen eye for fashion, and owning his own made-to-measure menswear label, he's known to wear a crazy suit from time to time, loves football (soccer - Leicester City) and most importantly, he’s a besotted father to his boys.

In April 2021, Ryan was truly humbled & honoured to be awarded the prestigious Distinguished Talent Visa as part of the Australian government's Global Talent Program, providing him with permanent residency in this fantastic country.

Talking Points

Sales - A Noble Art

- For those that may be a little resistant to the word ’sales’.
Unfortunately, it has a tarnished reputation and Ryan will share his profound findings on why sales, is in fact, one of the noblest skills you’ll ever acquire.
Taking you on a journey of the impact of powerful communication skills and how every one of us, business owners, employees, parents, sports personalities, introverts, extroverts and more can benefit by mastering elite communication.

The most common sales & communication mistakes

- During this highly practical session, Ryan will break down the modern-day mistakes that sales professionals, customer service reps and even leaders are making, inadvertently on a day-to-day basis.
Armed with a deep understanding of human nature behaviour, personality profiling and line sales experience, this session is sure to fire your team up and allow them to walk away and implement immediately.
Key Take Aways:
- The No1 one mistake salespeople make
- Why we should not treat people the way ‘we’ like to be treated
- How to frame any conversation for success
- The simple packaging hack, that will ensure your prospects don’t get quotes elsewhere
- The decision-making issue that is killing deals before they begin and much, much more.

Realising Your Potential

- Through lived experience and working with some of the most famous and successful people on the planet, including;
Sir Richard Branson, Grant Cardone, his Shark Tank AU investors, Steve Baxter, Dr Glen Richards, Andrew Banks, Shari Levitin, Anna Samios and more, Ryan is well positioned to share many lessons on what it takes to rise to the top…and stay there.
“There is no greater disappointment of that of unfulfilled potential”…Ryan Tuckwood
Hear how Ryan overcame many, many hurdles, surrounded himself with the right people, reduced his exposure to the wrong people and established himself as the No. 1 in his field.

The Art of Ethical Sales

- Ethics….Sales….Surely those words don’t do together.
Well, Ryan Tuckwood believes they marry perfectly and in this light-hearted, yet practical session, he’ll share with you just how.
After coaching businesses and individuals all around the world, including; mental health charities that focus on suicide prevention, charities and philanthropic businesses and even schools and education facilities, ethics are needed and this is about changing and even saving lives.

SWISH - Selling With Integrity & Selling Honestly

- The SWISH Method is the fastest-growing sales methodology globally right now and you’ll see why about 7 minutes in.
If you’re after a proven process, to improve your sales capabilities and ultimately, results, this is a session not to be missed.
With 3 pillars holding up The SWISH Method, being; Sales Psychology / Sales Process / Sales Execution, watch this highly interactive workshop/keynote come to life with a light, yet impactful feel that showcases how ANY industry, sector or experience level can benefit from SWISH.
Ryan brings a fresh, innovative and ethical approach to sales training for organisations all across Australia and internationally. The workshop material and online SWISH Academy delivers exceptional sales and business training. The programs, content, and delivery platforms developed by Ryan are world class. He is one of, it not Australia’s leading sales trainer and his work and material are helping Australian companies compete nationally and internationally. Dr. Glen Richards - Cardionexus Chairman & Shark Tank Investor

We had SWISH contribute to our annual employee wide conference and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Ryan & Jack were extremely easy to coordinate within the lead up to our event and happy to customise content and delivery based on our key objectives. Their structured approach ensured high engagement as well as covering multiple learning styles within the audience.

American Express

Ryan was selected to be not only the guest speaker but also the MC of our Annual 2019 Conference. When selecting someone to perform these tasks we were looking for someone who was relatable to our franchise demographic, someone who had structure in their presenting style and most importantly, someone who could tie together the conference ‘golden thread’ (AKA overall message). Ryan not only performed all of these requirements (perfectly) but also made a huge impact to our franchise network.

Australian Skin Clinics

Ryan Tuckwood was co-MC of the Australian Young Entrepreneur Award for Business News Australia. Ryan’s professionalism was apparent right from the start by his communication with us and detailed proportion prior to the event. He researched our winners and sponsors enabling him to have meaningful and in-depth conversations with each of them throughout the awards evening. His presentation and timing on the night was polished, professional and entertaining. He connected with and captivated an audience of over 350 prominent politicians, high net worth individuals, heads of company and their guests. Business News Australia host five Young Entrepreneur Award evenings throughout Australia each year and as such have worked with numerous MC’s. We will definitely seek to use Ryan’s services again and have no hesitate at all recommending him as one of Australia’s top MC’s. Ryan is an extremely professional and capable young man with a strength of character needed to succeed in business.

Business News Australia
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