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Leading gender equality specialist with national & global experience

The world needs gender equality - we all need to be part of the solution!


Sally Moyle is an Honorary Associate Professor at the ANU, associated with the Gender Institute.

Sally has extensive experience in international development policy and practice, and almost twenty-five years' experience addressing gender issues both domestically and globally.

Current Work:

Sally is a passionate and persuasive advocate for human rights and gender equality, who knows how to make change happen. She understands the levers of government and human motivations, thinks strategically, and can frame arguments to convince those who need to be persuaded.

She is the Vice President of the National Foundation for Australian Women, a feminist organisation that advocates to the government for gender equality. She is involved in major debates and discussions on gender equality across Australia.

Sally was the Chief Executive Officer at the leading international humanitarian and development organisation CARE Australia, and, between 2013 and 2016, was the Principal Gender Specialist and Assistant Secretary with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Sally has had senior executive roles in the Australian Government since 2008, including leading the Office for Women, and working on Indigenous Affairs.

Sally was the Gender Adviser in AusAID between 2006 and 2008. Sally spent ten years leading gender equality at the Australian Human Rights Commission, led the team at the Australian Law Reform Commission responsible for a major two-year national inquiry into children and the legal process and investigated complaints against police at the NS Ombudsman's Office.

Sally started her career as a practising lawyer.

Talking Points

Gender equality is essential for humanity to thrive

Women's rights are essential for women themselves, but also for the future of our world. From eliminating poverty, preventing war or addressing climate change, the world's biggest challenges will not be achieved unless we put gender equality at the heart of all our work. This sounds overwhelming, and, yes, the challenges are massive. The good news, though, is that focussing on gender equality gives us a start in addressing these great global challenges.

Being Part of the Solution - How to advance gender equality in your organisation

It can sometimes seem difficult to know where to start to do more to advance gender equality and women's empowerment in your organisation.

The key is to do many small things and build on these, and to be consistent. You need to focus on what you do, how you do it, how your people interact, and what they are rewarded for. And you need all your leaders, at all levels, to talk about these things regularly. Leaders can't be expected to know all about gender issues in their organisations, but good leaders are able to listen, accept discomfort and learn from it.

In this presentation, Sally takes the audience through the steps required to make your organisation a leader on gender equality.

What can Australia do to advance equality between women and men?

Australia has come a long way over the last 50 years.

Women's lives, opportunities, attitudes and expectations are very different to our mum's or my grandma's.

Sally is grateful for the way our country has grown, and changed, and broken down the barriers facing women and girls but believes there is so much more that we need to do to advance equality and provide safer, more equal world for the next generation.

Why has it been so hard to deliver for women and men the benefits of gender equality? Why has progress stalled? What more do we need to do and how do we make it happen? In this presentation, Sally unpacks where we are up to, what we have left to do, and how we can make progress on this unfinished business!
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