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The Aussie Innovator, with a life of experiences


Scott is an inspirational speaker drawing on his range of life experiences, from growing up in Alice Springs, Northern Territory, to living and working across the globe.

Current work

Scott Boocock – The Aussie Innovator, has just published his first book Turn Your Ideas Into Action'. His book shares a very personal journey of how he got to where he is today. Scott understands that it doesn't matter what you do, you rarely do it by yourself. Your team, your family, your customers and those who you meet in your travels, make you who you are and contribute to your success.

Previous experience

Education: Scott was born with a curious mind, always open to new adventures and ready to seize an opportunity. For a year during high school, Scott lived in Sweden as an exchange student. Before long he was working in the mountains of Japan and for eight years, sailing Europe, North and South America with Carnival Cruise Lines as Chief Purser.

Travel: So far Scott has travelled to over 80 countries; solo kayaked Glacier Bay in Alaska; climbed Mount Kilimanjaro for the Make-a-Wish foundation and put together a team - and rode – in the Australian Safari!

Correction: After returning to Alice Springs, Scott ran his own events management company, whilst also working as a Correctional Officer with Juvenile Justice and volunteering for Northern Territory Emergency Services. After selling his events business, Scott headed to Adelaide with his young family.

HEG: During this time, Scott invented the HEG. HEGS Clothes Pegs has significantly grown in the three years since its conception, now managing a dynamic core team of eight plus a manufacturing and assembly workforce of over 50, and exporting to 18 (and growing) countries around the globe. Scott recently moved production of HEGS™ from China to Australia, bucking the trend of major manufacturers.

The HEG is now 100% Australian made, designed and manufactured; featured on Channel 10's Shark Tank Australia won the prestigious international Good Design Award, and the Telstra South Australia Business of the Year and Start Up award for 2015.

Talking Points

'Yes' to Innovation'

The story of the HEGâ„¢ with a focus on Innovation from conception to fruition.

Share Scott's journey through the challenges that he and his team had to overcome to make the HEG an international brand and ensure a smooth chain supply. He will share with you this inspiring Australian Story of how to develop a following that media wants to talk about.

Throughout Scott's presentation he will draw parallels to innovation in a tangible and understandable way, while motivating the audience to start Thinking Like Innovators' within their life and workplace.

Scott uses an array of his intellectual property from his life of innovating companies and teams.

Turn your ideas into action '7 Step Process'

The WINNING Plan is a 7 Step Process' highlighting how Scott took his idea and manufactured, marketed and distributed the HEG while creating an international brand, along with various businesses and organisations he has built over the years.

His 7 step process' will show you how to get the best from yourself or your employees by using a system that encourages the team to start Thinking Like innovators'.

The focus of this keynote is for people to use this plan and understand where their idea is in the process and then how to turn the idea into action.

Brand - How it effects Marketing and Sales

Marketing and Sales are quite often mistaken for the same thing, however they have one common theme¦Brand.

Scott will break the difference down to understand that Marketing and Sales are completely different mechanisms and how to use them to your advantage.

He will discuss the importance of creating strong Brands and how this effects all areas of your business.

HEGSâ„¢ is now an international brand and it's important to understand how to protect it while marketing and selling your ideas. Scott will share insights to patents, trademarks and IP protection.

It's not all business - Life's an Adventure

Scott's Book The Aussie Innovatorâ„¢' is full of stories of travels, business, family and experiences from around the world.

Sometimes in order to motivate audiences, it's important for them to hear about something other than work, while at the same time developing a sub conscious effect that inspires them to do something.

Scott's presentation will motivate your audience on a path to personal achievement which in turn helps the work environment.

The purpose of It's not all business - Life's an Adventure' is to entertain with an inspiring story and messages throughout.
Scott Boocock was our guest speaker addressing the Alice Springs business community. His presentation was captivating, amusing, and inspirational. Many guests said it was the most motivational talk they had ever heard, and it has encouraged them to have a go'! We need more innovators and keynote speakers like Scott Executive Officer, Chamber of Commerce, Northern Territory
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