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Global Expert on Transforming Conflict into Connection


Scott Dutton is the Conflict Whisperer and Fun Maker!

Scott is known as the most engaging, insightful + fun presenter in the conflict resolution arena.

Current Work:

Scott has presented to 25,000+ professionals and is in high demand as a virtual + F2F keynote speaker and workshop facilitator.

Scott is the Breakthrough Speaker of the Year 2021 (awarded by the Professional Speakers Australia (PSA). He has also been awarded CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) accreditation by the PSA - the highest international measure of speaking competence and is recognised by the Global Speakers Federation as among the top speaking professionals in the world.

Scott is the Creator of Conflict Intelligence (CI) - a brilliantly simple, yet powerful model that develops our ability to consciously connect with, and manage conflict by, building collaborative understanding. Not only is Scott passionate about sharing how to mindfully transform conflict into connection, he also loves having fun and is all about creating an energising and uplifting experience. Scott delivers insights, strategies and skills that will heighten self-awareness and promote mutual understanding - with humour!

Scott is the CEO of Fighting Fair - the leading conflict + communication + culture training company. His knowledge and expertise are sought by leaders across all sectors. Scott's qualifications include a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) and a Bachelor of Science (Psychology). He has also completed Negotiation + Leadership at Harvard University in Boston, USA. Scott is a member of the Professional Speakers Australia (PSA), the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW), a Practitioner Member of the Australian Dispute Resolution Association (ADRA) and is a Nationally Accredited Mediator.

Talking Points

Difficult to Connected Conversations: DCs with confidence

Yikes! How much do we look forward to those difficult and necessary conversations? A DC is anything you find hard to talk about but know that you need to. The issue is often how to start those sensitive conversations that will invite open and constructive dialogue. When interactions become difficult, emotions can often escalate and communication can break down. We often fear having the difficult conversation as we are concerned that we may make the situation worse so we may try to avoid it or if we know we have to have it, we may try and blunder (unsuccessfully) through it.

Scott shares (with humour!) the necessary understanding, skills and confidence to successfully transform that conversation from difficult (+ challenging + tough + unwanted) to connected + confident through a clear and concise 3-step process.

Let's do that DC!

In Scott's engaging and informative (+ fun!) keynote presentation, audiences discover:
- How to transform a difficult (+ challenging + tough + unwanted) conversation to a connected + confident conversation.
- How to develop a mindset with an intent that invites open and authentic communication.
- How to practice a 3-step process that ensures the transformation of conflict into connection and the strengthening of relationship.
- How to implement key strategies to deal with challenges while remaining mindfully centred within the chaos of conflict.

Audience members will leave this presentation with the essential insight and process to successfully transform difficult conversations into connected + confident conversations. Difficult Conversations is an ideal stand-alone conference keynote or an extended workshop.

Conflict Intelligence® (CI): Develop your conflict smarts

How tired are we of getting tangled up in that conflict web? Of repeating those same old, same old conflict patterns? We are all aware of the cost of conflict not only in the workplace but also in our own personal lives. Unfortunately, we are not taught how to understand and transform conflict so we usually end up repeating the same mistakes and that's stressful.

Scott gets conflict and he is passionate about sharing the future of conflict Conflict Intelligence®. CI is a new approach to conflict resolution that enables us to not only clearly identify conflict dynamics but also gives us the conflict IQ (insight, mindset + action) to consciously connect and build collaborative understanding with others.

Let's get conflict smart!

In this engaging and informative (+ fun!) keynote presentation, audiences discover:

- How to get ahead of the curve and invite the new paradigm of conflict resolution Conflict Intelligence (CI) to build healthy, dynamic + sustainable relationships.
- How to increase Conflict IQ (insight, mindset + action) via the CI model to realise next-level workplace communication.
- How to avoid the 3 common conflict traps that fuel conflict, disconnect relationships and jeopardise our individual + organisational wellbeing.
- How to practice the 5 CI conscious choices to successfully transform conflict into connection in both our personal + professional lives.

Audience members will leave this presentation with increased CI and the pathway for greater peace both personally + professionally. Conflict Intelligence is an ideal stand-alone conference keynote or an extended half or full day workshop.

Audience members will leave this presentation with increased CI and the pathway for greater peace both personally + professionally. Conflict Intelligence is an ideal stand-alone conference keynote or an extended half or full-day workshop.

Mindfulness + Wellbeing: Getting to happy

We all want to be happy how do we get there? How do we discover the pathway to sustainable inner peace + calm and escape the rollercoaster of pain + pleasure? How do we clear the habitual patterns of unhelpful thoughts, beliefs + behaviours inherent in our old story' and develop the essential awareness, understanding + know-how to create a happier and healthier life?

Scott through personal + professional experience understands the path to happiness. He shares (with authenticity + humour) the heart-opening and mind-clearing strategies to do so. Scott has travelled to India for over 20 years studying and practicing mindfulness and meditation. In addition, his background in social work + science further enables him to understand and share the psychology and physiology of the mind/ body connection that is necessary to create happiness + wellbeing in our personal and professional lives.

Let's get happy!

In this inspiring, insightful and life-changing (+ fun!) keynote presentation, audiences discover:

- How to define happiness and distinguish inner peace (+ calm) from the rollercoaster cycle of external pleasure (+ pain).
- How to find our centre' via the mind gym' practice of mindful awareness in our daily (personal + professional) lives.
- How to get to happy via the 3 Mindfulness + Wellbeing (M+W) keys and avoid the 3 traps that prevent our happiness.
- How to create or author a new personal story' (narrative) grounded by the practice of a values culture' of empathy + kindness.

Audience members will leave this presentation inspired + confident to live a happier life through awareness and understanding of the essential Mindfulness + Wellbeing (M+W) keys to happiness. Mindfulness + Wellbeing (M+W) is an ideal stand-alone conference keynote or an extended workshop.

Workshop Facilitation

All workshops can be tailored for conferences (2-6 hours) or for in-house workshops (0.5 day 2 days) to meet the specific requirements of the conference or the company/organisation.

- Conflict Intelligence + Mediation Skills
- Difficult to Connected Conversations
- Mindful Team Culture
- Emotional Intelligence
Scott was FANTASTIC! He had the crowd hanging on every word. Flight Centre

Amazing Speaker! Content & delivery 10/10!


Brilliant! Entertaining, knowledgeable and informative.

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Raw, hilarious and absolutely compelling.

Belle Property

Absolutely brilliant session!! The feedback says it all.


We loved Scott's approach - so positive, funny and engaging.

Monash Business School

Scott has been the keynote speaker for us on many occasions, and each time he has taken the brief and exceeded our expectations.

Corporate Traveller
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