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Best-selling author & marketing expert


Seth Godin is the author of 19 books that have been bestsellers around the world and have been translated into more than 35 languages. He's also the founder of the altMBA and The Akimbo Workshops, online seminars that have transformed the work of thousands of people.

Current Work:

He writes about the post-industrial revolution, the way ideas spread, marketing, quitting, leadership and most of all, changing everything. You might be familiar with his books Linchpin, Tribes, The Dip and Purple Cow. His latest book, This Is Marketing, was an instant bestseller around the world.

In addition to his writing and speaking, Seth has founded several companies, including Yoyodyne and Squidoo. His blog (which you can find by typing “seth” into Google) is one of the most popular in the world. His podcast is in the top 1% of all podcasts worldwide.

In 2018, he was inducted into the Marketing Hall of Fame. More than 20,000 people have taken his powerful Akimbo workshops, including the altMBA and The Marketing Seminar.

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