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An Expert in Personal Strategy & Self-Leadership, & Executive Wellbeing

Investing in your life strategy and mastering life skills will get you planned personally to elevate you professionally.


Shannah Kennedy is a high-performance master planner and one of Australia's foremost strategic life coaches. Shannah teaches you how to build your road map, your life plan and how to simplify, structure and succeed. She is a master of Simplicity.

With 20yrs experience in the role, she works to transform her clients' careers, mental health, wellbeing and life plans. She specialises in executive strategy, transition, values, vision, overcoming burnout and life planning for individuals. Her proven expertise enables clients to gain control of their lives in order to achieve their visions and goals and find happiness and fulfilment.

Current Work:

Shannah is a leading business and life strategist trusted by her clients across the spectrum of business, sport and entertainment. She is currently working with a mix of C-suite executives, clients in transition (or suffering burnout ), business owners and high potential staff. She coaches the gap between where you are today and where you aspire to be in the future. The Life Plan is the basis of her transformative approach developed over 20 years working with people seeking more meaningful and fulfilling lives as high achievers.

She is the bestselling author of The Life Plan and global bestseller Plan B, a wellbeing specialist, keynote speaker, workshop facilitator and media contributor, and a wife and mother of two. Shannah lives and dances with chronic fatigue syndrome and depression and is committed to high performance personally and professionally and living her best and most energetic life based on her values and commitment to authenticity.

Shannah is a master of simplicity and presents the most powerful and essential life and wellness skill sets to transform the way you live and work, create clarity, direction and purpose, and shine a light on the benefits of self-care, self-management and self-leadership.

Shannah is also available for Q&A panels.

Talking Points

Reset and Reenergise Masterclass


Interactive, Fun, Relevant, Practical and Real, a true upskill of wellbeing life skills to combat exhaustion,
overwhelm and anxiety.

Delivered virtually or inhouse.

A program to reset, restore and re-energise. A fresh approach with tools, tips and strategies for combating burnout, anxiety, overwhelm and building a fresh foundation for health and wellbeing. Packed with powerful questions to reflect on, and introducing the modern practical tool kit for high performance and avoiding burnout.

- Self-Connection Burnout, Mental Health, Values, Power Questions
- Self-Management Future Vision, Fresh Goals, Healthy Habits, Power Routines
- Self-Leadership Power Planning, Confidence, Science of Happiness, Celebration
- Self Mastery Affirmations, Gratitude, Control the Controllables, Breath

Embracing Change


Plan B is the roadmap to pick up anytime you experience change in your life. A Masterclass on the 4 steps every human experiences when faced with change. Upskill on the process so you can handle change with confidence and grace.

Delivered virtually or inhouse.

A program to educate employees on the human roadmap through change. A fresh approach with tools, tips and strategies for navigating and embracing change both personally and professionally. Packed with powerful tools and tips, how-to guides and the solution to reclaiming power to move forward.

- Respond The Change Breathe, Acknowledge Feelings, Grieve, Choose Narrative
- Recover The Healing Self Care, 4 Pillars of Health, The Gift, You've Got This
- Reset The Pivot Redefine Values, Set Goals, Simplify, Be the Change
- Radiate The Awakening Happy Habits, Embrace Joy, Personal Power, Celebrate

High Performance Living – The Art of Self Awareness, Self Leadership, Self Management

A fully tailored workshop covering a range of 9 high performance skills

Protect the Asset – Living and leading with high performance without the burnout

Understanding and preventing burnout living a high performance life

Your Life Plan – The business case for self care

How to develop your life plan, values, vision and goals for excellence

Tailored Keynotes

Working with you to tailor a keynote, masterclass, webinar or workshop.

Topics include:
- Burnout, Anxiety, Overwhelm,
- Values, Vision, Goals
- Mindfulness, Stress Management, Mindset
- Wellness Foundations eat, move, sleep, nourish
- Vision Board Masterclass
- The Business Case for Self Care
- Confidence and Decision Making
- Protecting the Asset You
- Hardwiring Habits
- Boundaries for Calm Confidence
- Breath work for cellular change
Shannah is an invaluable source of information and advice regarding corporate health and practical steps to move forward Helen Hawkes, Journalist
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