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High Performance Coach for Business Leaders


Siimon Reynolds is a multi-award winning advertising entrepreneur and best-selling author.

But his passion is studying human excellence.

He has over 1000 books on the science of personal and business achievement - and is a published author in 10 countries on this subject.

Siimon doesn't just speak about high performance, he has achieved it. He has founded and built numerous successful companies, including the 15th largest marketing communications group in the world, which was valued on the stock exchange at over $500 million dollars.

Siimon has won over 50 business awards and industry commendations and has been featured in hundreds of major media stories, including 60 Minutes, Channel 7 News, Channel 9 News, ABC News and on the front page of both The Australian and the Daily Telegraph.

He is a highly experienced speaker and trainer, having presented to audiences as small as 4 people and as big as 4000. He has shared the stage with Richard Branson, Anthony Robbins, Paul Keating and many other leading names.

While not presenting, Siimon coaches numerous CEOs and entrepreneurs, including two members of the Financial Review Young Rich List.

Talking Points

Leadership. Moving From Not Bad To Outstanding

Great leaders aren’t just born, they’re made. But how? Everyone knows becoming a great leader is extremely important, but few know a step by step method to achieve it. In this highly inspiring and revealing speech, Siimon explains why today’s great leaders do things profoundly differently to maximize their impact on their team and organisation. Using moving and powerful stories of real life leaders from great companies and teams from around the world, Siimon shows how truly great leaders think – and how you can emulate them to achieve leadership greatness.

High Performance Under Pressure. Lessons From Pro Sports Teams And Elite Military Units

Life has never been more challenging and fast moving. Performing in this new world of hyper change can be really testing. Siimon Reynolds has been fascinated by the subject of human performance for decades and personally has over 1000 books on this subject. He has found that there are 2 places where high performance is taught and achieved at a higher level than anywhere else:
- In pro level sports teams and in elite military units.
- In this highly motivating and meticulously researched speech, Siimon shows you some of the most potent techniques used in these teams and units to get their people to perform superbly, under immense pressure.

The audience will leave with a toolbox of 9 brilliant techniques they can use immediately to perform better, reduce their stress, increase their resilience and achieve at an ultra high level

Advanced Selling Methods

Business guru Peter Drucker famously said, “Nothing happens in business until someone sells something.” Clearly, being able to sell well is one of the most important skills, but how can we take our sales skills to a much higher level? In this fascinating speech Siimon takes you through 15 powerful methods of improving your sales results. This is not your usual sales talk, Siimon will reveal numerous brilliant and little known methods to maximize your team’s sales success -using advanced psychology and lateral techniques.

Methods revealed in this riveting sales keynote include:
- The mysterious Rackham extension that immediately increases almost anyone’s sales results. *Cialdini’s breakthrough 6 techniques to be extremely persuasive.
- The importance of not ‘minimizing yourself’ and how to do it.
- How to use 2 minute email videos with spellbinding effect.
- Exactly what to do when a lead disappears on you.
- Strategies to follow before a meeting with a prospect even begins.

And much much more.

7 Powerful Mindsets For High Achievement

The world’s most published expert on Success, Brian Tracy, was once asked his number one success discovery. He quickly answered “You become what you think about most of the time.” How true that is. This speech is all about how to think. Filled with extraordinary stories and research studies, Siimon reveals the exact mindsets that will lead you to higher personal performance. Siimon’s thought methodology is so well constructed that it is literally impossible for you and your team to not get better results if they follow it.

Mindsets explored in this session that are proven to lift performance include:
- Zen like mental toughness.
- Problem solving mastery.
- Turning adversity into opportunity
- Focusing daily on your own personal excellence.
- 1000% commitment to where you work. And many more.

Apply this thinking system to your company and just watch the massive improvements in your team’s performance, happiness and results.

How To Become A World Class Brand

46% of people say they would pay more to buy a brand that they trust. There is a fortune to be made if you can create a great brand- whether for your company or for you as a person. In this startling and often amusing speech, Siimon shows you some amazing examples of great brands and how they have dominated their industry. He also provides a very clear 5 step blueprint for how anyone can create a highly memorable and much desired brand- for themselves or their company. Branding is one of the most powerful persuaders that exists. Learn how to do it right with this powerful talk from Siimon Reynolds, winner of almost every major advertising award in the world and co-creator of some of Australias greatest brands.

Ultra Productivity. How The World’s Most Productive People Work

Why is it that one person can achieve more in a week than others achieve in a month? How can we become supremely productive, so that we get much more work done, without working long hours? These questions have fascinated Siimon Reynolds- and he has spent over 2 decades finding the answers.

In this fascinating and provocative speech Siimon reveals the 12 most potent ways for you and your team to work vastly more productively. Topics include:
- Why the biggest successes come from being uncomfortable.
- How Parkinson’s Law can triple your productivity.
- Developing the number one trait of the world’s most effective CEO’s.
- Blending Urgency with Long Term Thinking.
- The miracle of Extreme 80/20 actions.
- The importance of increasing thinking time.
- Why a strong self image must be a priority.
- The one master skill to develop if you want mental toughness and resilience.

Siimon is a true expert on stress free productivity. Once your team installs his powerful productivity system into their lives, they will be as well.
Siimon was professional, dynamic and warm. His presentation was tight and relaxed. I appreciated the warmth and openness he displaying during question time and during the morning tea. Townsville City Council

Really powerful stuff. Some really great tactics. You’ve made a real difference.

Aussie Home Loans

Absolutely fantastic presentation again yesterday. So many people commented today that it was their favourite.


The audience was truly wowed!

Non Surgical Symposium

You were fantastic. You really helped our franchisees.

Ella Bache

A fluent, brilliant speech that has won great feedback. You certainly had them engaged.

Russell Reynolds Associates

We have received wonderful feedback from attendees and I believe there is a Siimon Reynolds fan club establishing...

Ballina CEO Forum

It was a great session and you nailed the brief of providing great actionable advice that was extremely relevant to our membership.

YPO, Sydney Chapter
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