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Multi-Award-Winning Medical Journalist


Sophie Scott is a multi-award-winning medical TV journalist, a professional speaker and an educator with expertise in mental health.

She is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Notre Dame University Medical School lecturing in science communication.

Sophie Scott was the national medical reporter for the ABC until early 2023. Sophie's reports appeared on ABC TV news, radio and online, as well as 7.30 and the ABC News Channel. She had a special interest in patient safety and groundbreaking medical research which improved the lives of Australians.

Sophie has written two books Live a Longer Life (ABC Books) and RoadTesting Happiness (Harper Collins) and won major awards for her journalism.

She is an Advisory Board Member of the Australian National Mental Health Prize and sits on the advisory board on stigma at the National Mental Health Commission and the University of Melbourne's Contemplative Studies Centre. She is an ambassador for Bowel Cancer Australia, Pain Australia and is a patient reviewer for the British Medical Journal.

Sophie is a highly sought-after speaker on topics such as preventing burnout, managing your mental well-being and communicating with impact to help people maximise their potential and productivity to thrive at work and at home.

Talking Points

Burnout Prevention

How to recognise burnout, learn science-backed tips to prevent burnout by understanding how your nervous system works and uncovering your limiting beliefs. Why perfectionism puts you at higher risk of burnout and preventative strategies to put in place. How to set boundaries, manage stress and live with intention, instead of feeling overwhelmed.

Thrive Through Change

Managing your mindset and mental well-being during times of change - We're going through a time of massive upheaval and uncertainty- How do protect your mental well-being and energy - and thrive through change, rather than fear it. Whether you are a leader or team member, learn crucial and easy-to-adopt science-backed strategies to thrive.

Communicating with Impact

The number one skill you need to improve is how you relate to others is communication. Whether you are a leader, manager or managing a busy life, knowing how to communicate means you can inspire people and influence others. This workshop explains the power of story-telling and the science behind why it's the most effective tool to change behaviour.

The Future of Health

What does the future of health hold? We are on the cusp of a health revolution - from 3-D printed drugs personalised to the exact amounts to minimise the side effects and maximise the benefits to an implanted e-tattoo that monitors your vital signs, sending data to a virtual digital twin. The future of health is personalised, digital and coming faster than you might realise.
Sophie is an engaging presenter who provides simple, easy to action ideas. Her presentation, backed by science, her tips on meditation, showing self-compassion and the importance of routines, as well as the breathing exercises, were all important insights on what to do to keep yourself mentally and physically well. We look forward to partnering with Sophie for future events. WW Australia & New Zealand

Sophie was an absolutely brilliant speaker. Her sessions are hugely beneficial, full of highly practical tips the audience can use. Her workshops are very relatable and inspiring.

Elysia Wellness Retreat Hunter Valley

Sophie is a warm and talented host who has performed as the regular MC for our annual CanForum event; one of the most significant cancer patient advocacy events in Australia. Sophie's experience as a medical journalist instils us with confidence that the event will be a success due to her highly professional manner, engaging delivery and tactful handling of opposing views. The event is attended by a live audience and is live streamed to over 1000 viewers, which Sophie navigates with ease. She engages naturally with participants at all levels, and her up to date knowledge of the medical sector allows for expert facilitation with keynote speakers and panel guests. Sophie is well respected in the industry and highly regarded within our team at Rare Cancers Australia.

Rare Cancers Australia
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