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Award-winning businesswoman, a seasoned leadership coach, and an esteemed ambassador


Stacey Currie’s story is nothing short of a triumph of the human spirit. Despite a childhood marred by trauma, poverty, and homelessness, Stacey refused to let her circumstances define her.

Stacey’s remarkable journey has been marked by her courageous decision-making, as she refused to be defined by her past or limited by her circumstances.

Through sheer grit and determination, she clawed her way out of poverty and built a life that is a shining example of what is possible when one refuses to be defeated.

Stacey Currie is a successful businesswoman, author, keynote speaker, ambassador, and mother of five, inspiring thousands with her life lessons.

Behind every success story lies a courageous decision made by someone who refused to let fear hold them back.

Stacey’s inspiring journey from adversity to empowerment began in housing commission accommodation with an absent mother, where she faced unimaginable challenges such as child sexual assault. At just 14, she was living in a shed, and by 15, she was pregnant with her first child. By 19, she had two children and was homeless. At age 21, Stacey faced a difficult ultimatum from the authorities: change her life or risk losing her children. At just 22 years old, she found herself raising three children on her own after surviving domestic abuse.

Stacey’s no-nonsense style and sense of humour have helped her defy the odds and not only survive but thrive. Drawing on her lived experience and street-smart wisdom, Stacey has empowered countless individuals to achieve their own success.

As the co-founder of a million-dollar printing business, her tenacity and commitment have earned her nominations for several business awards.

For the past few years, Stacey has inspired and moved audiences with her powerful messages of courageous decision-making, self-belief, and resilience. Whether addressing a room full of executives or a group of young people, Stacey’s down-to-earth, relatable style and sharp sense of humour never fail to connect with her listeners.

Stacey has appeared on numerous TV shows, including The Today Show, 7.30 Report, and 60 Minutes, where she has shared her inspiring life story.

Throughout this inspiring talk, Stacey shares the top three lessons that have enabled her to make courageous decisions and will empower her audiences to do the same.

Published in 2022, “Good Riddance,” her memoir, has captivated readers with its candid, raw, and uplifting tale of triumphant perseverance against all odds.


- Unleash the power of courageous decision-making with two fundamental steps.

- Uncover the six stages that will guide you in making courageous decisions, enabling you to achieve goals that may have once seemed impossible.

- Discover the one primary barrier that, once overcome, will unleash your unstoppable potential.

Talking Points

Unleash Your Inner Courage

Pursue the impossible through making courageous decisions.

1. Unleash the power of courageous decision-making with two fundamental steps.
2. Uncover the six stages that will guide you in making courageous decisions, enabling you to achieve goals that may have once seemed impossible.
3. Discover the one primary barrier that, once overcome, will unleash your unstoppable potential.

Breaking the Impossible

Stacey Currie’s dynamic presentations leave audiences incredibly motivated and completely committed to making meaningful change.
Stacey’s remarkable personal journey, with its many challenges and triumphs, is a testament to the incredible power of making life-altering change, making her not just a successful businesswoman but a true inspiration to us all.
Stacey’s journey is a testament to the human spirit’s extraordinary capacity for resilience and transformation.

Despite facing overwhelming odds and the weight of her past, she fearlessly stepped up to create a new life for herself, demonstrating that even the most impossible-seeming goals can be achieved with grit and determination.

This is why Stacey shares her powerful insights to inspire audiences to pursue the impossible through courageous decision-making.
Reflecting on the numerous presentations I've witnessed, and the wealth of feedback received from participants over the years, I can confidently affirm that your recent session stands out remarkably. The consensus among our attendees resoundingly declares you as the most impactful speaker they've encountered. Feeling immensely privileged, I must express gratitude for your precisely tailored contribution. Your delivery was characterized by a rare authenticity, unwavering honesty, and an inspirational essence that resonated deeply with our audience. Your presentation holds the distinguished honour of being the foremost topic of conversation among our participants. From our insightful conversation the day before, I harboured high expectations, and I'm delighted to acknowledge that you surpassed them with aplomb. Your willingness to share your life story was not just appreciated but profoundly valued. My sincerest wish is that those who had the privilege of hearing you speak will be spurred into meaningful action by the profound insights you imparted. MoneyQuest

The event yesterday was a hugh success. A large number of people have stopped me and provided great feedback one person said, ‘Best International Women’s Day event if not the best event ever at Whitehorse’.

Whitehorse City Council

We had the pleasure of hosting Stacey Currie as a guest speaker at our Chisholm Institute of TAFE Staff Conference in 2023, and what an extraordinary experience it was! Stacey's presentation left a lasting impact on our attendees, resonating deeply with everyone in the room. Stacey's ability to connect with the audience on a profound level, coupled with her inspiring message, truly set her apart. Throughout her session, Stacey captivated the audience with her engaging storytelling and insightful wisdom. Her genuine passion for empowering others was evident in every word she spoke, leaving attendees feeling motivated and uplifted. Attendees unanimously agreed that Stacey's presentation stood out as the highlight of the conference, with many expressing that she was the most impactful speaker they had ever heard. Stacey Currie's exceptional speaking prowess, coupled with her remarkable ability to inspire and motivate, makes her a truly outstanding choice for any event. We wholeheartedly recommend Stacey Currie as a speaker for any event seeking to ignite inspiration and drive positive change. Thank you, Stacey, for an unforgettable experience!

Chisholm Institute of TAFE

I must ensure you that your message was clear and everyone I talked to was thinking about their vision boards. If you can reduce a room to tears in a matter of moments you know you have a story that resonates with people and that it needs to be shared. I know personally it made a big impact on me and my thoughts on how our society operates and more how everyone can help each other better. My overall feedback is that I can see that you are on a path that will see you communicating messages to many many people. You are a driven and inspirational woman, one in a million. Our team really enjoyed hearing about how you set goals and then relentlessly work to achieve them.

Endota Spas

On behalf of the Women in PR Committee, I would like to congratulate you on your first speech ever and to thank you for taking the time to be a part of our panel speaking at the 2010 Women in PR benefit lunch. Your story was truly inspirational and greatly added to the whole success of the lunch - and we appreciate the courage it took to share it with us at our lunch. I am delighted to advise you that we raised over $10,000 for our two charities - a record - which is wonderful. Once again, thank you for your time and contribution to our benefit lunch.

Public Relations Institute of Australia (Victoria)
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