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Culture, Relationship & Collaboration. High Trust & Performance Leadership.


Stephen Hanman is an international speaker and award winning writer.

Stephen provides an insightful, warm, humorous, engaging and deeply pragmatic style to his presenting and keynotes. His other offers include, Business with an I Witness. Shift Happens!

WePlay-life without masks. Human Up! The Developing Organisation. The EQ Organisation. Blameless Reviews. The Pursuit of the Grail in Organisational Life.

Stephen is deeply personal and real delivering his message. His share of tragedy blended with his entrepreneurial approach provides a story worth listening to. His experience in the Supply Chain pioneering business Benchmarking Success coupled with his deep collaborative experiences and his Chair role at the Dyson Group of Companies provide a fresh story to how organisational life can be conducted. It inspires change and for people to strive to be the best versions of themselves. The idea of a Blameless review, or as the Architect called it, An Oops Meeting, brings smiles to many faces; importantly it also works.

Talking Points

21st Century Leadership

Todays complex VUCA world demands leadership that is collective and shared to ensure engagement and the deployment of free discretionary effort. This type of leadership is good for people and organisations. People follow this leadership, everyone goes home happy to their families. It is the leadership required for our times.

A Next Stage Organisation

The hierarchical top down command and control organisation is losing currency. It is time for a change. A collaborative workplace where everybody wins is now available. Where leadership creates an Energy Force that is good for all. There is a global Zeitgeist but thus far Australia has not joined the ranks. Why?

Collective Leadership enables what is needed

Start Ups have a collective innovative approach. Linking this leadership with blockchain technology provides significant disruption. Are you ready to respond? Is your culture and workplace relationships capable of being disrupted?
In March 2019 Stephen Hanaman and Ian George presented on their experiences which ultimately led to the publication of their book, From Me to We'. In presenting, Stephen has a natural ability to command the room. He has relaxed approach but is also authoritative in his style as he possesses a voice which projects clearly around a room, coupled with a deep understanding of his content. Stephen's approach allows him to tell a compelling story. He weaves his overall narrative with personal anecdotes, some of which are witty and some of which are personal and quite moving. Sydney Facilitators Network

Stephen provided an enlightening presentation which resonated with the attendees. We have received nothing but positive feedback regarding your presentation. The information and the visual display and subsequent dialog with the attendees was both captivating & timely.

AP Logistics Federation
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