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Co-Founder & CEO of Dimmi, one of Australia's leading tech entrepreneurs.


Stevan is one of Australia's leading tech entrepreneurs. In 2007, in the middle of the GFC he conceptualised Dimmi on the back of a napkin and went on to revolutionise the Australian restaurant industry. In 2015, his startup was acquired by one of the great tech businesses of our time, TripAdvisor.

On the surface, Dimmi is the perfect text book start-up story - started in a garage, ran out of money, took on the big Goliath, won the battle, sold to a tech darling. But the true story is one of grit, passion and a true entrepreneurial spirit to make a dent in the world.

Stevan's inspiring story is a raw & honest insight into the life of a start-up, how a small team can achieve remarkable things, how to crystalise your purpose, how to take on the big boys and win, how to embrace innovation & disruption and how an inspired culture can make anything possible.

He is an entrepreneur, a passionate tech investor, sits on the board of a couple of disruptive Aussie start-ups and strongly believes that the world (and our businesses) would be in a better place if we all acted a bit more like founders and a bit less like CEO's.

He believes that life's short and that we should do stuff that we love and stuff that makes a difference.

He is an engaging & high impact speaker who leaves the audience wanting to achieve more - more in their role, more for their company and more in their personal lives. He's anything is possible approach to business combined with

I have had the privilege of working with Stevan since he found Dimmi in 2009. He is one of the most focused and determined entrepreneurs I have ever met and he seems to excel at everything he sets his mind to. Dimmi is on track to totally transform the way Australians make restaurant bookings and this is due to the incredible company that Stevan has built up over the years. He is has great moral values and inspires others to greatness - a sign of a true leader! Cliff Rosenberg, Managing Director, Linkedin Australia
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