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Fighter Pilot & Founder of Athena's Voice


Tammy Barlette is a retired United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, fighter pilot and unmanned aircraft pilot. She has flown several different planes, accumulating more than 3000 total flying hours.

Tammy spent 20 years in the Air Force. During her aviation career, she flew as an instructor in both the T-37 Tweet and the T-38 Talon. She also flew close air support in the mighty A-10 Warthog while stationed at Osan Airbase in South Korea.

After an aircraft injury that required cervical spine reconstruction, Tammy transitioned to flying unmanned aircraft, accumulating over 1500 hours of combat support time in the MQ-1 Predator and the MQ-9 Reaper. She became a top leader in the unmanned aircraft community, graduating in the first remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) class from the prestigious US Air Force Weapons School.

Tammy and her husband, a federal agent, reside in Tucson, Arizona with their three children. She retired from the Air Force in 2018, becoming a professional speaker, and also founding Athena’s Voice, a women veteran speaker collective featuring female military pilots with powerful stories to share.

Talking Points

A Mission Focused Mindset: How to avoid bailing out when circumstances get tough.

Tammy Barlette, retired Lieutenant Colonel and Air Force fighter pilot, shares her stories of triumph, struggle, and courage, highlighting the importance of a mission focused mindset. Facing her fair share of challenges as one of few women (often the only), Tammy earned her place among the bros� of the fighter pilot world.

Although her achievements speak for themselves, the road to success was not an easy one. A mission-focused mindset requires hard work and laser focus, all while battling the ever-present enemy of self-doubt. Learn how to shift your focus away from challenging circumstances and see the big picture, despite the obstacles and trials you may face.

Just like bailing out of a jet is a last-ditch effort, learn how to approach life's challenges with that same tenacious mindset.
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