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Rev Tim
Costello AO

Former CEO of World Vision Australia.

Our world is turning inward at the very time our greatest challenges demand global cooperation


Rev Tim Costello is one of Australia's most respected community leaders and a sought after voice on social justice issues, leadership and ethics.

For 13 years until October 2016, Tim was Chief Executive of World Vision Australia (WVA). He was then WVA's Chief Advocate until 2019, continuing to place the challenges of global poverty on the national agenda.

Current Work:

Tim is currently Director of Micah Australia addressing issues of Australia's Aid for global poverty. He is also Senior Advisor for the Centre for Public Christianity. He remains spokesperson for the Alliance for Gambling Reform, which campaigns for law reform to prevent harm from poker machine gambling.

Other positions Tim holds are Chair of the Community Council of Australia; Chief Advocate of the Thriving Communities Partnership and Patron of the National Youth Commission.

Previous Experience:

Roles: In earlier roles Tim was National President of the Baptist Union of Australia and Mayor of St Kilda. He has been Baptist Minister at St Kilda Baptist and Collins Street Baptist in Melbourne, as well as Executive Director of Urban Seed.

Education: Initially Tim studied law and education at Monash University, followed by theology at the International Baptist Seminary in Rueschlikon, Switzerland. He also received a Masters Degree in Theology from the Melbourne College of Divinity.

Awards & Recognition: In 2006 Tim was named Victoria's Australian of the Year, in June 2005 was made an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO); in 2004, was named Victorian of the Year; and in 1997 was named as one of Australia's 100 National Living Treasures.

Author: His books include Faith (2016), Hope (2012), Another Way to Love (co-edited with Rod Yule); Streets of Hope: Finding God in St Kilda; Tips from a Travelling Soul Searcher; and Wanna Bet? Winners and Losers in Gambling's Luck Myth (co-written with Royce Millar).

Tim and his wife Merridie have three adult children, Claire, Elliot and Martin.

Talking Points

Activism and Citizenship

Education and citizenship

Ethics and Leadership

Global Citizenship


Spirituality in the Workplace

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