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Expert in Performance Mindset, Presentation Skills & Sales Psychology


Life is not want you want, it is what you decide.


From humble beginnings at the age of 18, Trevor Ambrose has worked as a labourer, shovelling coal at a power station with strong limiting beliefs. He studied and worked in automation engineering. During his employment, he was unexpectedly tasked with delivering presentations and speeches to large audiences, which crippled him with fear.

He was determined to overcome this fear and improve his self-esteem, self-belief and self-confidence and completed a degree in psychology and sociology. He finally found what he was looking for.

Trevor has made it his lifelong mission to train, mentor and coach global companies and individuals in the art of public speaking and the psychology of sales and to create an unstoppable mindset.

Trevor has coached over 700,000 businesses and individuals in 25 different countries. He is an international keynote speaker, sales and communication expert and author.

Trevor has a passion for helping as many people as possible through his fun, interactive and practical tools, tips and techniques that anybody can apply to achieve greatness.

Talking Points


By applying the psychology of sales techniques, businesses will gain more market share and attendees will be equipped to overcome objections, ask better questions and build rapport faster. This will ultimately boost companies’ profits and customer service.


The majority of people have limiting beliefs and stories that prevent them from achieving their full potential in their personal and career lives. With fundamental psychological principals to unlock practical strategies and skilfulness to perform at their highest level, teams and companies achieve results with healthy, motivated and driven individuals.


It is not companies who has the best products who sell the most, but companies who can explain their products the best. Fear of public speaking and miscommunication stop people from connecting with their customers and internal stakeholders. Attendees will learn how to speak with confidence, clarity and conviction.
Trevor Ambrose was the keynote speaker for our 2023 Bendpro Team Day. His insights on teamwork and adopting a “green mindset” & staying “above the line” were eye-opening. This has transformed the team’s perspective for the better. Trevor’s presentation was thought-provoking and relevant to our needs. His stories are relatable, meaningful, and really show you that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. He kept our team engaged both in the presentation and in the activities. His training is priceless and as a company we would use his services again. Thank you for inspiring us to become a stronger unit. We look forward to applying what we learned in our daily work. Bendpro

I have attended 3 of Trevor's sessions. First in Barbados during 2012, secondly in Chicago at The Rose Hotel and finally this year 2023. Personally, the biggest impact Trevor has had on my life is related to my confidence and I am very grateful to him for this. I've been able to present to powerful boards and government ministers, as well as speak on the national public stage without resembling a leaf on a windy day. Thank you, Trevor.

One St.Vincent Group Inc

Trevor brings a rare mix of passion, insight and experience to help those that want to get better at public speaking. The advantage of working with Trevor is not just improved presentation skills but also better structuring of all communication. Trevor not only focuses on the practical side to public speaking, but also spends time on your psychological orientation and “getting your mind right”. I would recommend Trevor to anyone who needs to improve their public speaking and general communication skills.


Trevor Ambrose is one of the most dynamic individuals I have ever had the opportunity to listen to. After the training he presented to both my sales team and my distributor network. I have come to the conclusion that if a manager wants to expose the individuals in their organisation tasked with the responsibility of generating sales to a trainer who possesses “top of the list” skills, there is no better individual than Trevor to entrust this responsibility to. His knowledge, speaking skills, understanding of the secrets to success, and dynamic personality set him apart from all others. Trevor Ambrose is truly in a class by himself and your only regret in using him with your organisation is that you didn’t give him enough time on your agenda.

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