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Entrepreneur, Speaker & Magician

You are only as good as you can communicate.


For more than 15 years, Vinh Giang has dedicated himself to mastering the art of performance-enhanced communication, helping thousands of professionals worldwide do the same through the power of magic. In his inspiring talks, Vinh seamlessly integrates storytelling and magic to motivate audiences to embrace change and see the “possible in the impossible.” Vinh delivers his key messages in a truly memorable and profound manner that always leaves his audiences with a sense of wonder and empowerment.

Offering professional development with a magical twist, Vinh has presented his popular keynotes to organizations across the world, including Facebook, Microsoft, HSBC, Siemens, and many more.

Current work

Vinh's magical journey began when he finally understood what Robert Houdin (an amazing magician) meant when he said: “A magician is an actor playing the part of the magician.” He now uses this mesmerizing, mysterious art form to show audiences how to shift perspectives, suspend disbelief, entertain with wonder, and inspire people in extraordinary ways.

Previous experience

Education : With only six months to graduate, Vinh left his degree in commerce and law to become an online magic teacher. This leap of faith became a hugely successful online business, 52kards, which now serves over 800,000 students globally and earned Vinh the award of Top Young Entrepreneur in Australia. Vinh is also the CEO of Luminary Productions which produces exceptional video for individuals and companies all around the globe.

Talking Points

Perspective - Collaboration is the key to success

With this topic, Vinh presents the audience with several magic performances, and invites them to offer their solutions as to how they were done. In going through this process, the audience learns quickly that perspective is the key to solving any problem. After all, magic is just a problem that the general public do not have the solution to. While it may appear complicated, remember that magic tricks are problems specifically designed to never be solved. Now if you can get even a small insight into how to solve magic tricks, imagine the clarity you will take into the other problems in your business and personal lives. Magicians are great problem solvers: it's a skill they inherit as a result of learning such a secretive art.

Thinking Differently

This is by far Vinh's most popular talk, in which he performs and speaks about the five different areas of magic, and then links this seamlessly to psychology. When the audience can see the psychological deception taking place in magic, they will be able to immediately see the deception we create within our own business and personal lives. This keynote will dispel negative beliefs and empower your audience to believe that anything in life is possible.


In this presentation, Vinh takes you exclusively behind the scenes and shows you how magicians are able to influence their spectators in an incredible way. It is through this demonstration that Vinh asks the question: "Who is influencing you in your life"' and "Are your decisions really your own?" Vinh will demonstrate techniques on blocking out negative influence, and gaining and maintaining a positive mind set. Imagine just for a moment that you got up on the right side of the bed� every single day for the next three months. How would that change your life? How would that change your business? Mindset is everything.


Misdirection is one of the most important aspects of the art of magic. Through a visual demonstration, Vinh takes the audience through a series of magic effects to show them how easily one can be misled. Vinh then takes you deep inside the psychology behind the art of magic to show and prove to the audience that your negative beliefs, no matter what they are, do not exist. Vinh will show your audiences how to overcome misdirection in life and business. With this mindset, audiences will realise that there are no limits to what they can achieve. It is only with this mindset that magicians are able to create magic. Let Vinh help you and your team create magic with what you do in business!


Re-energise your sales team by having them witness Vinh perform a spectacular feat of magic, followed by a personal insight into the behind the scenes� of the effect. Vinh reminds us all that every encounter is a performance, and the importance of always giving it your all. This applies to every interaction throughout your day, but most particularly when it is a sales encounter; because no matter how many times we have done something, we need to remember that the person on the receiving end is experiencing it for the first time, and we need to make sure it is the best experience possible. This is a crucial point of self reflection that is deeply empowering, which the audience will always remember.

Goal Setting

For every show that Vinh performs, it is crucial that it goes according to plan, because the margin for error in magic is very narrow. When achieving the impossible, it is all the more important that the goals for each act are identified and established well beforehand. There is no better way to illustrate this concept than to prove to the audience through a feat of seemingly impossible magic that the events of the entire show were prepared before it even began.

Anything is Possible

Magic is an art that is created to demonstrate the impossible. The beautiful thing about this is that the very nature of magic shows us that things that are seemingly impossible can be made to happen. Vinh highlights this concept by first accomplishing an immensely impressive feat, and follows this by walking the audience through how this seemingly impossible feat was actually achieved. Through several powerful exercises, Vinh is able to break down the barriers that we have in our minds, which hold us back from accomplishing truly amazing things. As cliché as it may come across to begin with, the undeniable fact that Vinh demonstrates right before our very eyes proves that anything is indeed possible. Definitely a key finishing statement to the audience that leaves them on an extremely high note.
You are very special Vinh. You make connections and you make people believe in not only you but more importantly themselves. You had everyone in awe. It didn't matter who I talked to participants, coaches, support staff, AV crew, leaders, and our team (and likely any creature that was present) shared how impactful your presentation was. Thank you for sharing YOU. We built something EPIC together. The feedback is overwhelmingly positive and our team's inbox and Teams channel is pouring over with the kudos and you are a large part of that. In fact we received a score of 4.8 out of 5.0 on a question I would recommend this event to future Microsoft Aspire participants. We have never gotten that score. One quote at the end of the session hit me positively and emotionally. He shared I came alone, and am leaving with a family. Let that sink in you are a part of that family and created that environment. You poured yourself into the presentation and were gracious enough to connect with them over lunch. You are very special Vinh. You make connections and you make people believe in not only you but more importantly themselves. You have created fans and myself and our team now wants you at every single one of our events in the future. Microsoft

Vinh Giang was gracious, kind and really wowed our audience. Vinh Giang was gracious, kind and really wowed our audience. It was excellent. From the point of arrival to his departure he was so incredibly enthusiastic and presentation resonated with the audience. He had a 30+ minute meaningful conversation with approximately 1/3 of the group afterward.

American Dental Education Association

I found his presentation to be astounding! Vinh Giang was simply amazing. His ability to weave his message into the illusions was so creative. I found his presentation to be astounding and wished for more.

National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

Vinh delivered a fantastic keynote and an even more powerful follow-up Master Class at WEC! His content was strong and his message was completely aligned with the theme we were trying to convey at MPI's WEC. His message was perfect for this audience and our theme and the anecdotal feedback so far has been very positive. I had several people coming to find me to tell me that they absolutely loved Vinh's sessions.


This is the second time I have booked Vinh Giang to be a speaker at our Learning to Lead event for high school students, due to demand from the teachers and because Vinh is such a pleasure to work with. He is professional “ and more importantly, the energy he puts into his presentation and willingness to connect with students is a pleasure to watch. Very happy with booking Vinh Giang.

Flinders University
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