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Sticking To Your Resolutions

Emma Carson
10 Jan 2022

Every year people around the world make New Year’s resolutions to reach their goals, improve their health, and better their lives. Many people are successful at keeping their resolutions, while many others fail.

Top 10 Resolutions in 2021

  1. Focus on improving your health
  2. Look after your finances
  3. Pursue an aspiration
  4. Invest in your relationships
  5. Look after your mental health
  6. Live more sustainably
  7. Disconnect from your phone
  8. Read more books
  9. Get out of your comfort zone
  10. Plan that once in a lifetime trip

So how do you stick to your resolutions?

Start with the right goals

It’s easy to get overwhelmed and give up when your resolution is something big. People who actually achieve their resolutions tend to set much smaller micro-goals that are ultra-specific and realistic.

One of the resolutions we see at the top of the list every year is to eat better and lead a more healthy lifestyle. One of the reasons this resolution is often unsuccessful is due to people cutting out certain foods entirely...

Saxton Exclusive Joel Feren has some tips on how to stick to your food-related resolutions this year...

Be Resilient

Even with the best of intentions and motivations, it is all too common to lose sight of resolutions when life gets hectic and you start to lose focus. It takes time to make lasting change, and you will come across challenges while trying to succeed.

Saxton Exclusive Nadine Champion is a master in turning challenges into the fuel needed to work harder and aim higher...

Silence your inner critic!

"Life is a constant struggle, not only against forces around us but above all against our own 'ego’."

Remember to focus on the positives throughout your resolution journey. Reward and remind yourself not to sabotage your efforts!

Saxton Exclusive Shadé Zahrai has 5 questions to help you self-coach your way out of being a slave to your inner critics...

Make up for the past 2 years by making 2022 the best one yet!

It's time to reframe the new year by learning to set the right goals and intentions! Saxton Speakers is here to help with workshops and speakers to guide you along the right path and keep you motivated throughout your resolution journey in 2022 and beyond!

Looking for someone to spark motivation and keep your team on track with their resolutions this year

Contact Us Today to find the perfect speaker/workshop for your team!

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